Jul 2012
If you did not know already, protein is a key building block essential to all forms of life. With out protein, all of the major systems in our bodies would fail us. Now add CrossFit to the mix. A rigorous training regimen by design, CrossFit produces great amounts of stress on the body which in turn, must be met with proper nutrition, rest and recovery. One of the most important
Jul 2012
Every day at CrossFit Magnitude before our WOD goes into high gear it is common practice for us to perform some basic prepatory movements. These movements, mainly dynamic in nature, warm up our muscles and joints as well as heighten our ability to perform specific movement patterns. Not being able to perform some of these basic drills or feeling very tight or ackward while doing them should give you feedback
Jul 2012
I don’t know if it is just me, but is anyone else full of energy and rearing to do even more work (run, bike, etc…) after a daily WOD? I’m being sarcastic if you didn’t pick up on that. I have been noticing a few of you – not mentioning any names – that feel the need somehow, to do even more work after the workout of the day
Jul 2012
As many of you already know, the CrossFit Games is taking place this weekend. This is the pinnacle of CrossFit competitions where two will walk away with the title of being the most fit man and women on earth! This event can be viewed both on ESPN3 and live streaming via the internet. I would like all our members to try and watch as much of this contest as
Jul 2012
This Coming Sunday, we will be hosting a Special WOD to help raise money and assist one of our very own members as well as the PKD foundation in their quest for a treatment and cure for all of those suffering with PKD. Your donations and support will be greatly appreciated. You do not have to participate in the WOD in order to donate so feel free to come on
Jul 2012
Thought I would share another interesting article covering some of the reasons why Aerobic work in access or on its own is detrimental to your metabolism and fat loss. This is also another great reason why we promote constantly varied workouts using short to medium (anaerobic) bouts of high intensity exercise. Don’t get me wrong, we will take you into the aerobic zone, just not as much as you may
Jul 2012
For far too long, people have been misled by the mainstream (propaganda machine) media that eggs are BAD for us. We all know from the studies of past, present, and future, that they are in fact VERY GOOD for us, in more than one way. Eggs have always been seen as a negative food source because they contain a little cholesterol in them. Guess what – only 1/3 of your
Jul 2012
Just a few reminders for the week ahead. There will be no classes scheduled for the 4th of July (Wednesday). Also, Soul Cycling this Friday has been moved from 10:30 to 7:30. We just hit the three month mark since our grand opening, and this can only mean one thing – a lot of you that signed on at the beginning need to perform your baseline follow up soon. My
Jul 2012
Just wanted to speak to a personal experience I encountered today after an 8 day hiatus from weight training. I decided I would go heavy and not being as loose as I should have after that much time off, my back knotted right up and took the breath right out of me. My session was over before it began. Heres what I learned. If you are coming back from
Jun 2012
A few things I learned while in Jamaica. First, if your driving down the road and decided to pass someone going a lot slower than you, it is not uncommon to get passed while you are passing someone yourself. This equals DANGER! Second, the people here love to sell you things – anything – for any amount – make sure you know the art of Bartering before you come. Third,
Jun 2012
In observance of Independence Day, we will be closed for the 4th of July! Aslo, don’t forget about July 15, we will be holding a special fundraiser WOD from 7:30-9:00am. DJ Mike will be present mixing the hotest selections of tunes. Food will also be present so bring your appetites! All proceeds will go towards the PKD foundation and their efforts to find a cure. June 29, 2012 WOD Strength/Skill:
Jun 2012
Technical difficulties with internet service tonight. Make sure to check back tomorrow for some updates pertaining to upcoming events and schedule changes. June 28, 2012 WOD Strength/Skill: Heaving snatch balance – 3-3-3-3-3 -3-3 Video Demo Conditioning: In 12 minutes, complete as many reps as possible using this progression- 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 etc…. Thruster 95/65# Pull ups
Jun 2012
I just read an article on natural blood thinners I thought I would pass along to any of you currently on medication and were looking for a healthy alternative. As you know, I am not a Doctor, and do not promote these alternatives as a cure all, but they are worth a look as anything found in a nature is in many ways better than their synthetic counterpart. Natural Blood
Jun 2012
As a CrossFitter, your hands are one of your most important tools. Some of the stuff we do here will put even some of the most burley of hands to the test! It is not a matter of withstanding the beating on them hoping they will just stop getting torn up, you need to take necessary precautions. Tape can be used to reduce contact with certain rough surfaces. Moisturizers and other products
Jun 2012
Great job everyone beating the heat! No heat casualties here. Looks like it’s going to cool off for a few good days. Just another reminder, we will be short staffed this coming week as I have to attend to best friend duties as best man in Jamaican style wedding – Not trying to rub it in – I mean, who really want’s to leave beautiful New England in the
Jun 2012
A lot of you are probably wondering when the class changes will stop – they won’t – ever! We are under going a rapid expansion of members DAILY. This means a few things. A bigger, better community for one! A more diverse coaching staff. And the addition of a few specialty classes. We were thinking of possibly adding a power lifting class, which will use different aids such as
Jun 2012
Wow it was a hot one today! Well we sure got a chance to test out the newly installed ceiling fans, and while they were not a total cure from the scorching heat, they sure did make a world of difference. I plan on installing about 5 more through out the box to make sure we get plenty of circulation. The great thing is, we do have AC in
Jun 2012
Today we kicked off the first “Teen CrossFit Class” for the summer months. Our intentions offering this class to teenage kids is to offer a ‘Broad, General, and Inclusive’ program to help them gain efficiency and competency in weight lifting, gymnastics, and metabolic condition. Does this ring a bell older members? This is what you are doing as well. We understand that 99% of the general population are not going
Jun 2012
Just a reminder, next week – June 25- June 30 – there will be a reduced schedule due to a limited staff. As a result of this reduced schedule, we will be allowing a higher capacity for all classes. There will still be a class limit so make sure to sign up for your classes far enough in advance to secure a spot. Also, during this time period there
Jun 2012
Saturday The Patriot Half Triathlon was held at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, MA. 2012 marks the sixth year of the Patriot which features a 1.2 mile swim in Long Pond, the largest fresh water body of water in Masssachusetts, a 2-loop bike course offering 56 miles of beautiful, flat roads with a few rolling hills and a 13.1 mile run along country roads, farms and lakes. Congratulations to Michele Brokmeier (finishing time of
Jun 2012
Keeping it short tonight so you can read and digest this entire article. This is the first CrossFit article I ever read, and probably the most influential towards my decision to make CrossFit my weapon of choice. This should be common knowledge to every as this was all discussed during your intro session and I believe I have posted this on here before, however, sometimes it is good to go
Jun 2012
June 15, 2012 WOD Over the past few months I have been keeping an eye out for trending patterns concerning members ratio of work:rest days. Guess what, there really has been no pattern. Everyone is taking a different approach. But is there really a best approach? In my opinion, the best approach is listening to yourself. Just like we do not set a routine of – Chest and tri’s on
Jun 2012
We are toying with the idea of having a free class on the weekend (Saturday) for all those who are interested in CrossFit, have not yet experienced a CrossFit style workout, and have uncertainties about what we do here at CrossFit Magnitude. If you know someone who wants to try it out for FREE for the first time, let them know that a class is being put together just for
Jun 2012
I would like to share another interesting article with you today regarding a common food we love to enjoy in the hot summer months – Hamburgers. This is not for the faint of heart, but important to recognize as there are few things in life more significant than the food and drink we feed on daily. By Christopher J. Petherick Wheres the Beef in your Ground Beef? Summertime is the
Jun 2012
I have always been a coffee drinker. It taste good. It makes me feel good. Therefore it must be good. Right? Well according to some studies, depending on who you are and how much you drink, maybe not. Here is an article expressing some concern about coffee. Coffee Promotes Cortisol Production and Weight Gain I have also read many studies about the benefits of drinking coffee. This is the case