June 15, 2012 WOD

Over the past few months I have been keeping an eye out for trending patterns concerning members ratio of work:rest days.  Guess what, there really has been no pattern.  Everyone is taking a different approach.  But is there really a best approach?  In my opinion, the best approach is listening to yourself.  Just like we do not set a routine of – Chest and tri’s on Monday, Back and bi’s on Tuesday, not setting a scheduled ‘set in stone’ regimen such as “I have to come Mon – Wed – Fri or else” is important as well.  Be your own judge and come when your ready to come.  This is CrossFit and our workouts are constantly varied, meaning you don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring.   Every day here is everything day, which leads me to my next point.  If your coming 3, 4, or 5 days in a row, when are you giving your self a chance to rest, adapt, and recuperate?  If you wake up and feel like you got in a head on collision with a school bus, chances are you need a day off.  I’ll go even further by saying that every month or so you should take up to an entire week off from exercise and let your body just heal.  As Coach Glassman said “Over-training is under-recovery.  I know how addictive this stuff can be, but that doesn’t mean you should go against your better judgement and come because this is your day to come.  Take a day off, you deserve a break! You may find that you come back refreshed and stronger than ever!


Press 3-3-3-3

Push press 2-2-2-2

Push jerk 1-1-1-1

Note: Every set should progress from the first press until the last jerk.

For time, complete the following:

50 sumo dead-lift high-pull 95/65

Ride 3 miles

50 push ups (hand release)

Run 1 mile