As a CrossFitter,  your hands are one of your most important tools.  Some of the stuff we do here will put even some of the most burley of hands to the test!  It is not a matter of withstanding the beating on them hoping they will just stop getting torn up, you need to take necessary precautions.  Tape can be used to reduce contact with certain rough surfaces.  Moisturizers and other products now popping up on the market claim to keep calluses thin, strong, and tear free.  One of those great products is found at    Also, you need to ensure your grip is always in check.  Loose bar grip translates into some serious friction and can cause your hands to go from good to grose in seconds.  Use chalk to get a better grip and prevent bar slip.  We also need another good few hours sanding down our pull up bars to create a smoother surface.  Volunteers always wanted 🙂 !

AWho Wants a Back Rub?

June 26, 2012 WOD


Push jerk 4-4-4-4-4


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

10 overhead walking lunge steps 45/25

15 Med ball cleans  20/14#

20 Sit ups