Jul 2012

Taking a Break

Just wanted to speak to a personal experience I encountered today after an 8 day hiatus from weight training.  I decided I would go heavy and not being as loose as I should have after that much time off,  my back knotted right up and took the breath right out of me.   My session was over before it began.  Heres what I learned.  If you are coming back from a summer vacation or brief period off, your body needs to ease back into the swing of things, even after a minor period.    Take the time to warm up and loosen up all of your bodies joints back to pre-vacation ranges.  Remember before you try to make up a weeks worth of workouts, it is total volume of work performed that matters in the end.  After time off, the volume should remain rather low.   This will ensure less soreness following your WOD which means the next work out can come that much sooner.   Also, if you have spasms or knot up, back off and start mobilizing some more and always make sure hydration isn’t the culprit.  Knots can sometimes feel like an injury such as a pull, tear, or just hurt to the touch.  Start to learn the differences between your bodies restrictions, muscle soreness, and injury.  Some you can work past, others you can not.  I know how working out can feel like an addiction.  Just don’t let it get the best of you!

On a different note, the programming on the site is going to chance a little.  You will notice that there will be a level 1 and level 2 WOD.  We are going to start adding more exercises to our arsenal.  I understand not everyone is at the same level right now.  If you feel like the level 1 WOD is currently above you, have no fear, the level 2 WOD will be just for you.  Eventually, through hard work and determination,  there won’t be anything you can’t do.

July 2, 2012 WOD

Level 1
BB Acrobatics/Skill:

Hang squat clean 3-3-3-3-3-3


Complete 5 rounds for a total time of:

5 Hand stand push ups (kipping allowed)

10 Pull ups

20 Kb swing 1.5pd/1 pd

Rest 60 seconds between each round.

Level 2

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3


Complete 5 rounds for total time of:

5 Inverted push ups

10 Pull ups

15 Kb swings 44#/36#

Rest 60 seconds in between rounds.