Jun 2012

What is Fitness?

Keeping it short tonight  so you can read and digest this entire article.  This is the first CrossFit article I ever read, and probably the most influential towards my decision to make CrossFit my weapon of choice.  This should be common knowledge to every as this was all discussed during your intro session and I believe I have posted this on here before, however, sometimes it is good to go back for a second round to let it all sink in a little bit deeper.

Courtesy of CrossFit.com

What is Fitness

June 16, 2012 WOD

‘Team WOD’

For time, complete 3 rounds for time (as a team) of:

200m Farmers walk 52/35#

30 Partner dead lift – 3/4 combined body weight

200m Over head plate carry 45/25#

30 Kb swing 36#

Tire flip  20x (back and forth between  partner)

Note: The will be two teams, equally divided amongst participants.  Each team will then be further         divided into groups of two.  As a pair, you will go through each task one by one, only moving on when   the pair in front of you is done with there task (if you finish and have to wait, this will be a rest    period, whether needed or not.  Do not go out of order.