Just a few reminders for the week ahead.  There will be no classes scheduled for the 4th of July (Wednesday).  Also, Soul Cycling this Friday has been moved from 10:30 to 7:30.

We just hit the three month mark since our grand opening, and this can only mean one thing – a lot of you that signed on at the beginning  need to perform your baseline follow up soon.  My intentions was for all members (who took the baseline) to retake the baseline WOD 3 months after your initial start at CrossFit.  This will serve as a great indicator as to whether your efforts thus far have served you any dividends or not.  If your time improves, then you are heading in the right direction towards increased work capacity and better overall fitness.  If your time does not improve, you need to question several areas of your life.  Are you getting enough recovery from your workouts?  Are you taking in the proper nutrition to support your efforts?  Are you coming frequent enough to cause change? Are you coming to often driving yourself towards overtraining? If you are at the 3 month mark, feel free to come in during our open gym hours to retest or call/email us to schedule a time more convenient for you.  This is part of your membership, so do not hesitate!

July 3, 2012 WOD

Level 1

Split jerk 5×2 (heaviest possible)


In 4 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 Ring dips

10 Toes to bar

Rest 3 minutes, then:

In 4 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 BW dead lifts

25 double unders

Rest 3 minutes, then:

In 4 minutes, ride as far a distance possible on gear 18

Level 2

Push jerk 5×2 (heaviest possible)


In 4 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 Ring push ups

10 V sit ups

Rest 3 minutes, then:

In 4 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 Dead lifts 3/4 bw

75 Single unders

Rest 3 minutes, then:

In 4 minutes, ride as far a distance possible on gear 17