For far too long, people have been misled by the mainstream (propaganda machine) media that eggs are BAD for us.  We all know from the studies of past, present, and future, that they are in fact VERY GOOD for us, in more than one way.  Eggs have always been seen as a negative food source because they contain a little cholesterol in them.  Guess what – only 1/3 of your total cholesterol is affected by your dietary choices.  The other 2/3 is affected by cigarette smoking, a high intake of saturated fats, obesity, and living a sedentary lifestyle.  Here is a great article that lays out some great facts about the positive effects of eggs.  Read on:

Health Benefits of Eggs

So, for all of you who who want to lower your bad cholesterol and add some great nutritive value to your overall diet, I am brining in a bucket of Free Range Organic Eggs, curtesy of my very own back yard poultry for every to try for themselves.  Bring an egg carton in if you would like to take some of these home with you today!

On another note, I just ordered some awesome flat benches today so we can start adding in the most overrated exercise in existence.   I don’t oppose the bench press, I just see it as a lift often overused, and used incorrectly leading to all types of shoulder and upper body disfunction.  My hope is to break  all your bad habits and re-program you with the proper technique to perform this lift safe and effectively.

July 6, 2012 WOD

Level 1

‘CrossFit Total’

Find your 1 rep max in the:



Dead lift

Add these totals for your score.

Level 2

‘Modified CrossFit Total’

Find your 3 rep max for each of these lifts



Dead lift

Add these totals for your score.