A few things I learned while in Jamaica.  First, if your driving down the road and decided to pass someone going a lot slower than you, it is not uncommon to get passed while you are passing someone yourself.  This equals DANGER!  Second, the people here love to sell you things – anything – for any amount – make sure you know the art of Bartering before you come.  Third, fruit is widely abundant through out the Country.  Only pay for fruit if you absolutely have to, otherwise, go find a tree and start shaking.  Fourth, Don’t try to understand everything the locals are saying, I swear half the words they speak are made up on the spot.  Fifth, If you ever wondered why all the houses are half built over here, it is because they do not finance over here.  As they make money, they literally buy one brick at a time.  It isn’t unusual for a house to go decades before another brick is laid.  And finally, seventh.  Bob Marley is a GOD over here.  Even if you don’t love his music, act like you do! You’ll fit in alot better.  Ok, time to enjoy the last night.  I cannot wait to get back to good ol’ US of A!

June 30, 2012 WOD


Super squats 1×20

Note: Warm up with as many sets as needed to establish a solid 10RM - Then rest     2 minutes before pursuing an all out set of 20.

100m sprints x 8

Note: Make sure to take no less than 2 minutes rest between each set.