Jun 2019
Overview: Contestants will begin their challenge with a “pre-challenge” lecture on June 15th, covering all things nutrition & lifestyle practices that will lend hand towards a leaner, more solid and favorable body composition (lose fat, gain muscle). After the lecture, contestants will complete their pre-challenge body comp scan. It is now when the challenge really begins. Objective: To create the greatest positive change in body composition. This can be
Jun 2019
Overview: Contestants will begin their challenge with a “pre-challenge” lecture on June 15th, covering all things nutrition & lifestyle practices that will lend hand towards a leaner, more solid and favorable body composition (lose fat, gain muscle). After the lecture, contestants will complete their pre-challenge body comp scan. It is now when the challenge really begins. Objective: To create the greatest positive change in body composition. This can be achieved
Jun 2014
Double Unders… To some those two words send shivers up the spine and reminders of stinging red zebra stripes across the legs and arms. But it doesn’t have to be that way forever. If you look here, the Double Under works numerous muscle groups, they increases metabolic capacity, and certainly hone our coordination and agility. This is why we do them, they are not a torture mechanism for Coaches, honestly.
Apr 2014
The Jerk, The Clean, And The Snatch. These are movements we do in the box quite often these days, and for good reason. Olympic lifts, as they’re called, have no equal for developing speed, flexibility, and coordinated, total-body strength and muscle. Every single muscle in your body will be worked to lift more weight than you would otherwise be able to, in a much quicker fashion. Also, because you’re doing
Apr 2014
Hey CFMM Challengers! We are excited to be sharing something we put together with you. It is an online magazine that we think will help you kick ass over the duration of this challenge. Over the next 30 days, we will periodically be putting out publications on everything from Paleo Tips, Mobility tricks, and ways to hack your sleep. We hope you can get something out of this. In Dispatch
Apr 2014
NEA- It stands for Non Exercise Activity, and it is becoming more and more talked about among researchers in the health and fitness world. According to the new buzz on the topic, what you do when you are not swinging kettlebells or doing burpees is just as important to controlling and optimizing your health and wellness. And when we say that, we are really talking about longevity– feeling better and
Apr 2014
First off, happy weekend. I hope you all had a good week of WODs. How about them “super squats” …really 20 reps? …unfortunatly that was not an April Fools joke. However your Posterior chain will thank you for it in the end (for the non-technical, posterior chain refers to the muscles in the back half of your body- hamstrings, glutes, etc) Any way, tonight’s post goes out to all the
Apr 2014
Tonight’s post goes out to all the males in the gym (more for you tomorrow night ladies). Tonight is about something that is near and dear to all men, and that is testosterone. Testosterone, a hormone produced primarily by the testicles, is often associated with the epitome of “manhood” (although women have testosterone, too). Indeed, it does play a large role in male sexuality and reproduction, impacting such factors as sexual
Mar 2014
Imagine for a moment that you are running a race. Your attention is focused on the movements of your body, the power of your muscles, the force of your lungs and the feel of the street beneath your feet. You are living in the moment, utterly absorbed in the present activity. Time seems to fall away. You are tired, but you barely notice. You are in a STATE OF FLOW…
Mar 2014
It’s spring, and this is traditionally a time to detoxify the body from a long winter! This isn’t new news. spring detoxification has been a regularly practiced protocol in many cultures. Even for our ancestors living in the cleanest environments, winter was a time of less fresh food and more time inside. …Giving the body a healthy purging could set you up for more energy in the longer summer days
Mar 2014
Alright folks, we are hitting the home stretch. three down, two to go. And this one is no short trip. In fact it might just be the hardest one yet. That’s OK though So in the past three Open WODs we saw only two movements each. 14.1 snatch & double under 14.2 overhead squat & chest to bar 14.3 deadlift & box jump 14.4…..well 14.4 is a little different. It
Mar 2014
Some people come into CrossFit because they are bored with the gym, others come in because their friend told them about it. However some come in because they need to make a change. That can be scary. Scary because we don’t like change. That is human nature. However some changes are harder to get over than others. For Shari Keener, she had a make the switch from a needle to
Here is a pretty awesome guest post via Endof3 Fitness on some ideas for the youngsters. Some of them are funny, other playful, and some are quite insightful… Here are the first 10… 1.) The girls worth being with don’t really care about the size of your biceps. 2.) 99% of the supplements out there aren’t worth it. 3.) Don’t worry too much about “getting big”. 4.) Fitness should be
Mar 2014
Our first two cycles of the Wendler protocol are in the books and to know surprise, the numbers were huge. To be honest, bigger than anticipated! The community as a whole increased their strength by over 5,000 pounds in the squat, dead lift, and overhead press. Anyone can tell you, getting strong is no easy task. It takes dedication, determination, and consistency for starters. You also need a positive
Mar 2014
Anyone in the market for a new pair of kicks, here is a review on the newest Reebok shoes. also check out this review on the inov-8 via the 2011 CrossFit Games. also, check out some chatter via Kelly Starrett on the importance of “zero differential” …whats up with that? The Take away: what’s on your feet matters. Having a shoe that does not work well with your body could affect
Mar 2014
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3qngoelEc0 On how to be healthy, strong, fit, happy and productive with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice as possible, Mark Sisson of Marksdailyapple.com sits down here with Again Faster to talk about his views on the topics. Mark has become a prominent thought leader in world of health and his view on lifestyle revolves around the basics- happiness, activity, and self-dominance. check out his blog or tune into
Mar 2014
Are you partaking in the 2014 CrossFit Games Open this year? Want to know exactly where you rank -worldwide – in your Region – at CrossFit Magnitude? Check out this cool app that will let you do just that and more… Click HERE for App! March 6, 2014 WOD Weightlifting Snatch – Work up to a heavy single, then perform 1 every minute on the minute for 5 minutes Conditioning In 12
Mar 2014
What is your first name and last initial? Kim V What is your age? 29 How long have you been CrossFitting for? almost a year What is your favorite WOD or movement? HSPU What is your least favorite WOD or movement? snatch Take us back to your first WOD…What was it, and how did it feel? one of my first was a deadlift wod, I used a light weight compared
Feb 2014
Today marks the start of the second cycle of the Wendler protocol. The goal for the next four weeks is to add up to 5 pounds to our upper body movement (press) and up to 10 pounds to our lower body lifts (dead lift and squat) and make it through another cycle. These small increments are in part what allows us to continually get strong over a long period
Jan 2014
Being “healthy” is not going to happen without quality sleep, and quality trumps quantity any day of the week. Take it from someone who often sleeps less than 5 hours a night and consistently maintains a high state of performance. The Bulletproof blog shares a lot of sleep hacking advice, and now to make it easier, the core recommendations are condensed into a simple, powerful infographic you can use to
Jan 2014
If you didn’t have a chance to make it to the ECC this weekend, it was a pretty awesome event. It is pretty amazing to see what some of the best athletes are capable of, and is also a learning experience to watch them tear it up. The comp was divided between an individual division and a team division. below are the results for the singles…as well as a sweet
Jan 2014
January 21, 2014 WOD Strength Dead lift – 1×3@70%, 1×3@80%, 1×3 or more@90% Conditioning Row – 4x500m Rest as needed Score equals slowest and fastest times combined.
Jan 2014
Alright guys, big even going on this weekend, The CrossFit Open is coming up soon and the big players are competing this weekend to see where everyone stands. If you have never been to a competition, this is a great way to kick it off. It is a fun and upbeat environment, with beer, and free stuff in tents, and handstand competitions. Also, watching the athletes perform is a pretty
Jan 2014
so here is one from the CrossFit archives. This video has some good info on the press, and why it is such a strong movement. Take in some of the points Matt Chan is putting out there and use it in your training tomorrow. See if it makes a difference. January 20, 2014 WOD Strength Press 1×3 @ 70% 1×3 @ 80% 1×3 @ 90% 2) push press- 3
Jan 2014
Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 powerlifting system is rapidly growing into one of the most popular powerlifting and strength building training routines on the planet. Several years ago, most powerlifters ran the Westside Barbell system. Westside was the gospel, and there was no other. But today, things have changed. A good portion of powerlifters are running Wendler’s 5/3/1, or a Westside/Wendler’s combination. Westside is still king, but Wendler’s 5/3/1 has proven itself very worthy