Jun 2012

Job Well Done!

Saturday  The Patriot Half Triathlon was held at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, MA.  2012 marks the sixth year of the Patriot which features a 1.2 mile swim in Long Pond, the largest fresh water body of water in Masssachusetts, a 2-loop bike course offering 56 miles of beautiful, flat roads with a few rolling hills and a 13.1 mile run along country roads, farms and lakes.  Congratulations to Michele Brokmeier (finishing time of 6:54:05) and Nilton Motta (finishing time of 4:51:24 -35th overall) for doing such an amazing job finishing such an incredibly hard  fitness undertaking!

Its going to be a hot one this week so make sure to come to class HYDRATED!  Our new ceiling fans arrived  just in time and will definitely be put to the test this week.

June 18, 2012 WOD


Overhead squat 4-4-4-4 (Tempo 3212)


In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 box jump 20/24″

10 burpees

25 double under/75 single under

Rest 3 minutes, then:

in 2 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Lunge jumps



Night Class Only:
Barbell Acrobatics:

3 position snatch 5×1 (heaviest possible)


1a) Snatch pull 4×4 (heaviest possible)

1b) Snatch balance 4×3 (heaviest possible)


For time, complete rounds of 21-15-9 of:

Handstand push up

Thruster 1/2 bw