Jun 2012

Heat Tested

Wow it was a hot one today!  Well we sure got a chance to test out the newly installed ceiling fans, and while they were not a total cure from the scorching heat, they sure did make a world of difference.  I plan on installing about 5 more through out the box to make sure we get plenty of circulation.   The great thing is, we do have AC in the main lobby, the lounge, the bathrooms, the shower rooms, and the child care room (that must be where everyone disappeared to during the middle of class :)).  Training in the heat really isn’t a bad thing after all.  As CrossFitters, we are constantly training for the unknown and unknowable.  We never know what may lay ahead.  If your a fire fighter, like several of our members, it is not uncommon to have to go fully geared up into a burning inferno, keep focused, break walls down, and carry people out without succumbing to the heat and intensity of the situation.  So training in the heat is actually a great thing for some.   For everyone else, who knows what situation will arise – that is why it is the unknown or unknowable.  This is CrossFit. We prepare for anything and everything.  I do not know of another program out there that can say the same!

June 21, 2012 WOD


Rope Climb


Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3


5 rounds for time of:

10 Dead lift 185/135

20 Toes to bar (sub – v-sit up)