We are toying with the idea of having a free class on the weekend (Saturday) for all those who are interested in CrossFit, have not yet experienced a CrossFit style workout, and have uncertainties about what we do here at CrossFit Magnitude.  If you know someone who wants to try it out for FREE for the first time, let them know that a class is being put together just for them, to become more acquainted with our program.  More updates will soon follow this thought.

Facility update: The ceiling fans are in and waiting installation.  We just received a water bubbler as well that is happily awaiting the plumbers arrival.  Also, our pro shop is on its way to completion as more displays will be set up offering training aids, supplements, and cold drinks, and possibly a coffee maker!  Let us know what you’d like to see on hand and we’ll do our best to provide it for you.

June 14, 2012 WOD


Turkish Get ups


Squats jumps 20×4

Squat must be performed to full depth at bottom and feet must leave the     ground at the top with hips all the way open.

Run 10m the first minute, 20m the second minute, 30m the third minute, etc…