Every day at CrossFit Magnitude before our WOD goes into high gear it is common practice for us to perform some basic prepatory movements.  These movements, mainly dynamic in nature, warm up our muscles and joints as well as heighten our ability to perform specific movement patterns.  Not being able to perform some of these basic drills or feeling very tight or ackward while doing them should give you feedback as to what it may be like once that movement pattern is loaded with weight.  All of the movements we do have a very specific purpose to them.  You must execute these warm ups with as much determination and effort as you do your actual WOD.  Here is an article I came across that covers one of the drills we do every single day and what it is actually helping you to achieve.  This article is courtesy of Catalyst Athletics, a great site that I put a lot of stock in.  Enjoy!

Kyphosis and Shoulder Mobility: Practical Correction

July 12, 2012 WOD

Level 1:

1-1/4 Squat 7×3 (No Bounce) heaviest possible


Complete every minute for 12 minutes:

7 Sumo dead lift high pull 115/85

15 Double unders

Your rest is the remaining time in each minute.

Level 2:

1-1/4 Squat 7×3 (No bounce) heaviest possible


Complete every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:

7 Sumo dead lift high pull 95/65

45 single unders