Just a reminder, next week – June 25- June 30 – there will be a reduced schedule due to a limited staff.  As a result of this reduced schedule, we will be allowing a higher capacity for all classes.   There will still be a class limit so make sure to sign up for your classes far enough in advance to secure a spot.  Also, during this time period there will be no open gym hours.  We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

The child care has had very limited use thus far.  For this reason, we will only be making child care available on a reservation basis.  If you would like child care to be available when you need it, please email Caitlin @ caitlin@crossfitmagnitude.com 24 hours in advance and we will be sure to make arrangements for you.  When a higher demand for care is needed, we will go back to our normal open hours.

June 19, 2012 WOD


Bent over row 4×8 (heaviest possible)


Complete rounds of 21-15-9 for time of:

Sumo dead lift high pull 95/65#

Pull ups

Wall ball 20/14#