I have always been a coffee drinker.  It taste good.  It makes me feel good.  Therefore it must be good.  Right?  Well according to some studies, depending on who you are and how much you drink, maybe not.  Here is an article expressing some concern about coffee.

Coffee Promotes Cortisol Production and Weight Gain

I have also read many studies about the benefits of drinking coffee.  This is the case with almost everything you eat or drink, some negatively effecting you while positively impacting you with every bite.  Just remember that we are not all created equal!

June 12, 2012 WOD


Snatch push press 5-5-5-5-5


Complete 5 rounds for total time of:

15 pull ups

20 box top overs

Rest 60 seconds between each round

Rest 10 minutes, then:

40m sprint x 5