Jan 2014

Salt For Health

Salt is essential for life — you cannot live without it. However, most people simply don’t realize that there are enormous differences between the standard, refined table and cooking salt most of us are accustomed to using and natural health-promoting salt. These differences can have a major impact on your health. If you want your body to function properly, you need holistic salt complete with all-natural elements. Today’s common table

  As another year sets sail into the horizon, the question to ask yourself is….What direction am I sailing in?  Did you meet and exceed all your goals in 2013?  Do you love the way you look, feel, and perform?  Are you better at all the skills and drills you’ve been exposed to since the start of your fitness journey? Well it is to late to dwell on what could

It’s a big FAREWELL to one of our original Coaches – Caitlin C.  From opening day Caitlin has been a key member of our team here at CrossFit Magnitude.  She was like a Mother to our early birds at the 5:15am class, heading up the pre-dawn warriors from day one. Caitlin helped us get our CrossFit kids program going which is starting to becoming excitingly popular.  She also kept everyone

Sup WODers, So December is here. And that means it is the holidays! …And that means, gifts, and eggnog, and eggnog with booz (my favorite) ….and of course, cookies! We all love holiday cookies. They are just so cute! …sprinkles and gum drop buttons, they make you feel all fuzzy inside…metaphorically speaking that is. But once we finish off that third gingerbread man (cuz it is impossible to only eat

Hey all, Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! This is a shout out to Mark, Travis, Greg, Jon, and Caitlin. They will be competing in Barbells for Boobs tomorrow at CrossFit South Shore. We look forward to seeing them kill it! November 30, 2013 WOD Strength 1) Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1   2) Accumulate as many bar/ring dips as possible in 5 minutes   Skill Accumulate 90 seconds in a ring hold

Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. This is a guest post from MyAthleticLife and is a must read for everyone in the gym. There are really only 2 types of Athletes when it comes to Integrity; those who have it and those who don’t. Yes, I believe that you fit in to 1 of 2 categories… But remember, you can always change…The first step is admitting you


Nov 2013

Winter is fast approaching. During the winter months, your body needs extra vitamins and minerals to help combat cold weather and illness and to maintain your good health. Sure, these vitamins can be found in supplements and over-the-counter vitamins, but instead of filling your body with pills, why not try getting your vitamins naturally through the foods you eat? Here is a list of the five healthiest vegetables for winter.

Lets talk about nutrition. It can be very overwhelming these days to answer this question- What is the optimal formula for nutrition? There is the south beach diet, the atkins diet, the USDA food pyramid (please don’t follow those by the way) There is what Oprah and Dr. Oz tells us… When it comes to supplements should you be taking them…should you not? The fact of the matter there is


Nov 2013

  The Importance Of Rest you don’t get stronger from exercise, you get weaker….try doing a max set of pushups, wait 60 seconds, and repeat. What happens? It becomes harder. Exercise makes you weaker. Recovery is what makes you stronger- sleep, nutrition, stress. We are built to adapt.   November 11, 2013 WOD Strength   Thruster- In 15 minutes establish a heavy 3 rep set   Conditioning “With heavy hearts


Nov 2013

Of all the content out there on health topics, this may be one the most “catch all” sources of info. In particularly because it sends you to think about the source of the problems you may face when dealing with an ailment, weight problem or anything in between. And that my friends, if you have not already guessed from the white letters over the pretty picture, is HORMONES! Here is

Saturated fats, such as butter, meat fats, coconut oil and palm oil, tend to be solid at room temperature. According to conventional nutritional dogma, these traditional fats are to blame for most of our modern diseases—heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, malfunction of cell membranes, and even nervous disorders like multiple sclerosis. However, many scientific studies indicate that it is processed liquid vegetable oil, which is laden with free radicals formed


Oct 2013

  “The Details aren’t just the details, they are what make the difference” -yours truly First and for most, eating a “healthy” diet is not rocket science- Eat Real Food and choose the foods that maintain biological function, and stay away from the ones that are detrimental. Unfortunately an organic, gluten free cupcake made with grass fed dairy and locally sourced raw honey is still just an insulin spike disguised in

Group training is competitive in nature. We all want to be better, faster, and stronger than the athlete next to us…not necessarily in a malicious way but in a, “If I do better, you do better way.”  There is something about going toe to toe that makes us perform better. Still though, we must not forget that everyone is different. We can’t compare ourselves to each other based on performance


Oct 2013

  October 12, 2013 WOD Skill: KB Clean (Strict) KB Clean (Swing)   Strength Sled push 6x15m heaviest possible Sled pull 6x15m heaviest possible   Conditioning With a partner, complete the following for time; 400m sled push 400m sled pull   Rx – Sled + 45 Lv2 – Sled + 25 Lv1 – Sled + 0  

  We here at CF Magnitude know that kids love to run, jump, and flat out have fun Why not prepare them to do just that and anything else life might throw at them. CROSSFIT KIDS IS THE ANSWER!! Want your youngster to be the one to stand out in gym class? Be ahead of the game for soccer season? How about develop life long movement patterns that will optimize


Oct 2013

The Magic Stick

  A stick with many uses A roller stick, a favorite of athletes, can roll out muscle knots on all major muscle groups in your back, neck, arms, shoulders, calves, thighs, and buttocks. This device is basically a flexible plastic dowel rod with large beads or spindles wedged between two handles. While it’s not necessarily better or worse than any other modality of mobilizing, its narrow diameter allows you to

Looking to perfect your sleep, optimize your fat loss, or even improve your sex. Check out this resource page from the Four Hour Body. Included is a set of tools and tricks on how to bio hack your body and “self experiment” your way to super human. October 2, 2013 WOD Skill HSPU work   Strength High Bar Back Squat 1×10@60% 1×8@70% 1×6@75% 1×4@80 base off 1rm established 9/16/13   Conditioning

OMG! don’t they look like they are having fun! Well you could too…at the Boys & Girls Club that is. This Sunday is the 2nd annual Health and Fitness Expo at the Marshfield Boys and Girls Club.  There will be a 25 mile bike ride and a 5 mile road race/walk….buuuuya!! Not in the mood to exercise? All good. There will be lots of activities for your youngins, as well as


Sep 2013

Spice It Up

Hey all you Whole Life Challengers out there. How is it going. Are the cravings starting to go away? Are you feeling any better?….Easier to breath? (no more congestion) Are you finding it easier to fall asleep at night? These are all things you should be paying attention to. What you can measure you can change. Also how is the food coming? Are you starting to get in to a monotonous


Sep 2013


The “constantly varied” part of CrossFit is what keeps each of us on our toes. “Constantly varied” means the workouts will be different every day, calling upon different skill sets and muscle groups. It also helps keep away boredom. And for those of us who logged hours and hours in globo gyms, or trained as endurance athletes being put through the same routine day in and day out, “constantly varied”

This is it ladies and gents!  The time is finally upon us where we will take the necessary steps and make the necessary compromises as a way to restore order to ourselves and our fitness. The next 8 weeks will not be impossible, so stop thinking “how bad” things are going to get.  Remember, it is not about being perfect.  You are suppose to be making adjustments to your diet

LACK OF SLEEP: This is pretty straight forward. We have all been told that getting enough sleep is important- 8 hours according to the surgeon general! In terms of pursuing your fitness, how does it apply? The gist of it was that sleep loss does not always impair performance, but it does impair recovery from exercise. Sleep debt impairs exercise recovery primarily via two routes: by increasing cortisol, reducing testosterone production,

So who is doing the Whole Life Challenge?!? It is coming up (Sep. 7) Are you excited? Nervous? …Both? If you are not doing it? Why not? Are you scared? worried? Are you afraid that you will not keep up with it. Risk, Fear, Worry They’re not the same. Risk is all around us. When we encounter potential points of failure, we’re face to face with risk. And nothing courts


Aug 2013

The Heart Dance

Check out Dr. Gil Hedley express the flow of blood through the heart in this unusual dance (wild flailing of the arms) he came up with.  If you don’t remember, Gil brought us the “Fuzz Speech”.  If you missed it, check it out HERE August 27, 2013 WOD Strength Muscle snatch 7×3 – heaviest possible Rest 60 seconds between sets   Conditioning Complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of: ground


Aug 2013

Here are 5 great reasons you should try CrossFit…. 1) Coaching – training under a qualified coach has its many benefits.  Coaches show you how to move correctly and more importantly,  how not to.  Understanding how to execute basic movement patterns is paramount in regards to taking on the daily rigors of life.  Coaches also help motivate and push you through the tough parts, while always keeping safety in mind.