Lets talk about nutrition. It can be very overwhelming these days to answer this question- What is the optimal formula for nutrition?

There is the south beach diet, the atkins diet, the USDA food pyramid (please don’t follow those by the way)

There is what Oprah and Dr. Oz tells us…

When it comes to supplements should you be taking them…should you not?

The fact of the matter there is a lot of confusion around what really helps us live better, longer.

Here is the deal. Learning anything is challenging. When you take on the challenge of “getting healthy” you are bombarded with information overload!

What do I eat, when do I eat it? How do I exercise, how long? Sleep, Stress, Sugar, Supplements….it goes on and on.

Here is something that will help you keep your sanity, and set you up for success- The Minimal Effective Dose (MED for short) Do as little as needed, not as much as possible. What are the 20% of activities that will give you 80% of the results. You want to apply this because simple works, complex fails.

MED for health-

  • remove dairy,grains, and sugar from your diet (kind of cool to hear David Wolfe, a Raw food Vegan, praise the Paleo Diet!)

MED for weight loss-

  • 30g of protein 30 minutes of waking up (Tim Ferris style…the guy who came up with this MED thing, and the author of the 4HourBody…stay tuned for a post on that)

MED for fitness-

  • Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics:pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. ….huh, wait you all already do that 🙂

…and on that note here is the WOD for 11/13/13

November 13, 2013 WOD


5×1- 1 snatch press + 3 snatch push press



4×30 sec handstand hold



As one continuous effort;

2 minute ME double unders

then right into 8 min AMRAP

8 kb one arm overhead walking lunges (R)

8 toes to bar

8 kb one arm overhead walking lunges (L)

8 knees to elbow

then back into 2 minute ME double unders

SCORE = total DUs and total rounds

RX 53/44

LV2 44/36

LV1  36/25