Group training is competitive in nature. We all want to be better, faster, and stronger than the athlete next to us…not necessarily in a malicious way but in a, “If I do better, you do better way.”  There is something about going toe to toe that makes us perform better.

Still though, we must not forget that everyone is different. We can’t compare ourselves to each other based on performance because in many ways we are not starting off on a level playing field. Ex. Lisa has longer limbs and has to move further when performing pushups and pullups. She does however have an edge when running a mile. On the flip side Bob is shorter and stockier and some how blows through pushups like they are nothing…turns out his body is built for that (maybe he should be a gymnast) This is not a cop out or an excuse to stop practicing the things we suck at. On the contrary…if you never work on the movements that are hard, they will never get any easier (Regardless if they do not come naturally). Still there is a factor at play we can not overlook. Although we can train and always improve on our weaknesses, our genetics define our starting point.

Genetic Potential – the defining source of an athlete’s talent and performance. Join hosts Kelly Starrett and Brian MacKenzie as they ask and answer the essential questions around how we understand, tend to and ultimately unleash each athlete’s genetic potential. Special guest Erin Cafaro, two-time Olympic gold medalist in rowing, joins them in studio.

October 16, 2013 WOD


1a) Bench Press – 4×5 heaviest possible

Rest 60 seconds

1b) Pendlay row – 4×5 heaviest possible

Rest 60 seconds



For time:

Row 500m, then,

perform sets of 30-20-10 of;

KB swing

Wall ball

Abmat sit up


Rx – 70/53, 20/14

Lv2 – 53/44, 14/12

Lv1 – 44/36, 10/8