
OMG! don’t they look like they are having fun! Well you could too…at the Boys & Girls Club that is. This Sunday is the 2nd annual Health and Fitness Expo at the Marshfield Boys and Girls Club.  There will be a 25 mile bike ride and a 5 mile road race/walk….buuuuya!!

Not in the mood to exercise? All good. There will be lots of activities for your youngins, as well as a bunch of fitness tents, food&drink, and word on the street is there is going to be a mini Ruckus obstacle course. You can show off your constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement to all the non box jumpers and rope climbers out there.

Get at it and register here.


September 26, 2013 WOD


In 15 minutes:

RX + LV2: establish 3rm Push Press

LV1: Establish 3rm Press



complete 3 rounds for time:

400m run

15 push press

15 chest2bar pullups

RX 115/75

LV2 95/55

LV1 75/35