Sign Up for the Whole Life Challenge!

So who is doing the Whole Life Challenge?!? It is coming up (Sep. 7) Are you excited? Nervous? …Both?

If you are not doing it? Why not? Are you scared? worried? Are you afraid that you will not keep up with it.

Risk, Fear, Worry

They’re not the same.

Risk is all around us. When we encounter potential points of failure, we’re face to face with risk. And nothing courts risk more than art, the desire to do something for the first time–to make a difference.

Fear is a natural reaction to risk. While risk is real and external, fear exists only in our imagination. Fear is the workout we give ourselves imagining what will happen if things don’t work out.

And worry? Worry is the hard work of actively (and mentally) working against the fear. Worry is our effort to imagine every possible way to avoid the outcome that is causing us fear, and failing that, to survive the thing that we fear if it comes to fruition.

If you’ve persuaded yourself that risk is sufficient cause for fear, and that fear is sufficient cause for worry, you’re in for some long nights and soon you’ll abandon your art out of exhaustion. On the other hand, you can choose to see the three as completely separate phenomena, and realize that it’s possible to have risk (a good thing) without debilitating fear or its best friend, obsessive worry.

Separate first, eliminate false causation, then go ahead and take a leap of faith.

September 4, 2013 WOD


Smolov 3/2

High bar back squat 7×5@75% of your 1RM (+5-25lb)



complete 5 ROUNDS for total time:

10 lateral burpee box jumps

20 wall ball

Rest 60 seconds between sets

Rx- 20″/16″ 20/14

LV2- 16″/12″ 14/12

LV1- 12″/6″ 10/8