Sep 2013

Spice It Up


Hey all you Whole Life Challengers out there. How is it going. Are the cravings starting to go away?

Are you feeling any better?….Easier to breath? (no more congestion) Are you finding it easier to fall asleep at night? These are all things you should be paying attention to. What you can measure you can change.

Also how is the food coming? Are you starting to get in to a monotonous cycle of hard boiled eggs for breafast, salad for lunch, chicken/boiled Broccoli for dinner….If so, then we urge you to switch it up. Eating clean does not have to be boring and plain. There are tons of great websites out there that have some crazy cool Paleo recipes to try. Here are few of our favs.




Lastly, If you are not yet a pro in the kitchen and are only cozy whippin up couple dishes, give the spice chart above a look . Different herbs/spice combos can make the same dish (say roasted chicken or an omelette) taste totally unique.

September 23, 2013 WOD


Tempo Front Squat

5×3 (3312tempo) heaviest possible


Complete 3 rounds for time

run 200m

30 wall ball

20 KB swing

10 knees to elbow


RX 20/14 70/53

LV 2 14/12 53/44

LV1  10/8 36/25 (Russian Swing)