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As another year sets sail into the horizon, the question to ask yourself is….What direction am I sailing in?  Did you meet and exceed all your goals in 2013?  Do you love the way you look, feel, and perform?  Are you better at all the skills and drills you’ve been exposed to since the start of your fitness journey?

Well it is to late to dwell on what could have been in 2013 but your just in time to start making BIG changes in 2014!

Speaking of big changes, here at CFM, we are doing everything within our powers (wish they were super human) to bring you the very best for the New Year ahead.

All you need to do on your end is to make sure you have a grasp on what your goals are (short and long term), how you are going to hold yourself accountable for reaching those goals, and  a solid blue print that will help pave the way to healthy and happy new you!

If you are in need of help determining the best course of action chartering forward, don’t worry, you are not alone!  DO NOT HESITATE to speak with one of your Coaches for guidance with goal setting as they will be more than happy to share some great ideas with you.

So be confident in your abilities to succeed, know your limitations and defy them, have courage to take on the tough challenges that lay ahead, be determined and don’t let up at the first sign of trouble, and use your willpower or power of will to operate at the highest level you can!

Here are a few great quotes to start your new year off right!

Goals are dreams with deadlines.  ~Diana Scharf Hunt.

It’s the start that stops most people   ~anonymous

Yesterday you said tomorrow ~Nike

Strive for progress, not perfection ~anonymous

Goals are dreams with deadlines.  ~Diana Scharf Hunt.