May 2012
Inflammation is experienced by everyone, whether we are doing things right or wrong. It is a matter of how we control it which is a the most important part. Eating poorly can contribute to an increased state of inflammation as well as consistently training at a high level of intensity constantly taking our bodies to the limit. We can easily fix the eating part by making healthier choices, however, for
May 2012
CrossFitting along with a solid diet made up of meats and veggies, nuts and seeds, fruit and little starches, is in my opinion as well as the rest of the CrossFit community, the best way to build lean muscle tissue, get stronger, burn excess body fat, and prepare yourself for the rigors of life. I won’t rant any longer because I want you to read this article I stumbled upon
May 2012
It was brought to my attention tonight that not everyone is getting in on all the fun we are having daily. To be more specific, the people who are only coming once or twice a week are not getting in on the barrage of different exercises we do daily. Here at CrossFit Magnitude, each and every day will be something new. If you come consistently over a long enough period
May 2012
Today officially marks the 1 month aniversary of our opening day class. During this time period, we have taken you through a countless number of exercises, performed in constantly varied workouts over many different time periods. As you may have noticed, we never do the same workout twice – with the exception of infrequently used benchmark WOD’s which pop up from time to time for the soul purpose of measuring
Apr 2012
I know most of you reading this are rather new to the ‘Sport of Fitness’. As you get more involved in CrossFit, what we call ‘getting the bug’, you may find yourself tempted to workout out more often than usual, pushing yourself to even greater levels than once imagined. To keep yourself performing at a top level, you must listen to your body very carefully. Some days you may
Apr 2012
Thanks to everyone who stopped by this weekend to lend a hand, we really made some great progress! The boxes came out awesome! A few finishing touches and we’ll be ready to start adding them into the mix this week. To touch on another subject, I’ve been noticing a wide array of footwear being worn by everyone. Believe it or not, footwear really matters when it comes to CrossFitting. At
Apr 2012
Just want to say, GREAT JOB to all of our members thus far in their journey towards being more healthy, fit people! As you have seen in the past few weeks, the mission your on isn’t going to be an easy one. You will be challenged in a way you may never have before. The WOD’s are demanding – yeah – but the rewards are well worth it! I mean,
Apr 2012
Hans Selye once said, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”. A brief explanation of the adaptive changes at the cellular level, caused by CrossFit training, will help you understand how intense CrossFit workouts will result in an improvement of your fitness. We have known for centuries that when the human body is presented with a sub-lethal dose of physical, pyschological, or chemical stress, it can adapt to
Apr 2012
Im going to keep this short and sweet. The Bruins are all tied up in game 7 of the Stanley cup playoffs as they head into the third period in just a few. Speaking of hockey, have you ever wondered how fit these guys are? In my opinion, they are in good shape, but pale in comparison to a solid, well rounded CrossFitter! How can I get away saying that
Apr 2012
Hey fellow Magnitudes! A few things to update you on tonight. First off, we ordered even more new equipment! We grabbed some new 15# training bars for those looking to perfect their technique without having to over do it with the bigger bars ( perfect for the ladies). We also have more rings on the way! With enough to go around now, we can start incorporating some great dynamic exercises
Apr 2012
Here at CrossFit Magnitude, we understand the importance of nutrition so in a few short weeks we will be kicking off our first Paleo Challenge for all of our members who are looking to take their fitness to the next level. During this challenge, you will learn everything Paleo from what to buy, what to eat, how to cook it, and how to keep track of everything. We will be right
Apr 2012
The new schedule is set! Hopefully there is a class time scheduled that will fit everyones busy day. As you may have noticed, there are a lot more beginner classes than anything else. This is self explanatory. As more people start ‘Testing out’ you will start to notice less beginner classes and more ‘regular CrossFit’ classes. Class size will remain capped at 10 until more coaches are available. This is
Apr 2012
Sorry for such short notice – tomorrow we will be holding a little Team Strong Man (woman) WOD outside. We will be introducing some new equipment into the mix including – Flipping Tires – Push Sleds – Pull Sleds – Battling Ropes – All which will become a regular part of your CrossFit training. I am lifting the limit size of the class for tomorrow so if you tried to
Apr 2012
At CrossFit Magnitude, we like to think of the community as an extension of our immediate family. This means we love your presence when your working out or just hanging around. Don’t ever think that just because the workout is over, you have to go home. Feel free to hang around after class to chat it up with the coaches and pick our brains, work on mobilizing that trouble area,
Apr 2012
Here at CrossFit Magnitude, as well as any other CrossFit box, we like to keep things constantly varied. This means that you should not dwell on the workout performed today hoping you may see it again sometime soon, rather focus on what lays ahead tomorrow. Also, keep in mind we like to do things hard and fast, and keep it short and sweet. As Coach Glassman said “At CrossFit intensities
Apr 2012
Hey guys! Just a reminder to those who have yet to check out the sites daily blog or those who haven’t been to class in a few days, we are changing things up already. First, there is a REQUIREMENT to sign up ahead of time for classes online at under the schedule link. Just pick a day and time and click on it, then scroll to the bottom and
Apr 2012
Today many thousands of highly motivated people will take on the oldest annual city marathon in the world – The Boston Marathon. It will not just be a test of will power and determination, it will be a test of the bodies many systems, and how well they function in extreme conditions. Temperature along with hydration, each play an integral role in the function of these bodily systems. With todays