LACK OF SLEEP: This is pretty straight forward. We have all been told that getting enough sleep is important- 8 hours according to the surgeon general! In terms of pursuing your fitness, how does it apply? The gist of it was that sleep loss does not always impair performance, but it does impair recovery from exercise. Sleep debt impairs exercise recovery primarily via two routes: by increasing cortisol, reducing testosterone production, and lowering muscle protein synthesis; and by disrupting slow wave sleep, the constructive stage of slumber where growth hormone secretion peaks, tissues heal and muscles rebuild.

NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES: Active people are “living more,” which puts greater demands on the body and increases the amount of “stuff” it must do to maintain health and basic function. Since every physiological function requires a micronutrient substrate – vitamin, mineral, hormone, neurotransmitter, etc. – and physiological functions increase with exercise and recovery, active people require more micronutrients in their diet

INADEQUATE PROTEIN: Your muscles move you, which is why no matter what type of training you do – endurance, strength, hillwalking, Dancing, Zumba, Tabata, long duration room pacing – your muscles need to recover. Some workouts require less muscle recovery, sure, but every form of physical movement uses skeletal muscle. Muscle needs protein to repair itself and recover from exercise this is perhaps the most fundamental concept in exercise recovery.

September 5, 2013 WOD.


Smolov 3/3 High Bar Back Squat 8X4 @ 80% 1rm (+5-25)


For Time:

Row 1,000m

200 Double Unders

Run 800m

LV2 Row 1,000, 75 du’s, 800m run

LV1 Row 500m, 300 su’s, 400m run