Aug 2013

Here are 5 great reasons you should try CrossFit….

1) Coaching – training under a qualified coach has its many benefits.  Coaches show you how to move correctly and more importantly,  how not to.  Understanding how to execute basic movement patterns is paramount in regards to taking on the daily rigors of life.  Coaches also help motivate and push you through the tough parts, while always keeping safety in mind.  Without a Coach, it is a giant guessing game concerning the safety and efficacy of your own training.

2) Community – If you have never worked out along side someone else doing exactly what you’re doing, try it.  You may be amazed at just how much more you give of yourself.  Aside from the extra push you get from your peers within the community, friendships are formed, ideas are shared, challenges are set.  In our community, we train together, sweat together, and we achieve together!

3) Variety – There is no other fitness program out there that I am aware of that you can come in day after day after day and never do the same thing twice.  At CrossFit, we take pride in programming a wide variety of skills and drills allowing you to achieve a truly FIT state of being.  And to top it off, you never get bored! It is actually quite addictive!

4) Challenging – Whether you’re an athlete now or were in the past, or are just looking to step outside your comfort zone and push the limits of your true potential, CrossFit will always have a challenge awaiting you.  Don’t worry though, as all of our workouts are universally scalable so that ANYONE can do them!

5) Fitness – Being fit isn’t about how big your arms are or how flat your stomach is (although I once thought like this).  Being fit means you have an increased ability to do more of anything you choose, regardless of the task, across a broad time domain, regardless of how long or short.  It also means that all your important vital signs are better than average including blood pressure, resting heart rate, fasting glucose levels, cholesterol, and that you have an increased ability across the basic general physical skills – strength, stamina, cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, power, speed, agility, accuracy, balance, and coordination.  See, being fit is more than just looks.  It about performance….performance at life!


August 23, 2013 WOD


Smolov 2/2

High bar back squat 7×5 @ 75% (+ 5-20#) of your 1RM

Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets.


For time:

30 kb swing

30 burpee

20 kb swing

20 burpee

10 kb swing

10 burpee


Rx – 70/53

Lv2 – 53/44

Lv1 – 44/36