Oct 2013



“The Details aren’t just the details, they are what make the difference” -yours truly

First and for most, eating a “healthy” diet is not rocket science- Eat Real Food and choose the foods that maintain biological function, and stay away from the ones that are detrimental. Unfortunately an organic, gluten free cupcake made with grass fed dairy and locally sourced raw honey is still just an insulin spike disguised in buzz words…sorry. (although it does make for an amazing cupcake…rather that than a twinkie, in moderation of course)

But anyway, If you follow the Paleo model, “what you eat can be summed up into one sentence. Eat Meat, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, some Fruit, a Little Starch, No Sugar. We know this works.

But Still, If you have a specific goal in mind, there are some ways to play around and craft your diet to optimize your results. Robb Wolf, a bio lipid analyst and Paleo Guru, shares some ways to do just that using pretty color circles in this inforgraphic.

October 22, 2013 WOD


1) In 12 minutes, establish a 3RM push press

2) Push press – 3×3 at 90% of weight from above


For time:

Row 500 meters, then

perform sets of 21-15-9 of;

push press

pull up


Run 400m


Rx – 135/95

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35