We here at CF Magnitude know that kids love to run, jump, and flat out have fun Why not prepare them to do just that and anything else life might throw at them. CROSSFIT KIDS IS THE ANSWER!!

Want your youngster to be the one to stand out in gym class? Be ahead of the game for soccer season?

How about develop life long movement patterns that will optimize their performance and promote an active lifestyle! That sounds pretty good huh. Our main goal at Crossfit Kids is to promote life-long activity. We aim to show the importance of being active throughout the child’s lifetime and at the same time reinforce how being active can be enjoyable!

Crossfit Kids is a great opportunity for your child to try new activities, learn about proper techniques for exercise and health, and have positive interactions with other children

 October 11, 2013 WOD


1) In 15 minutes, establish a 3rm power clean

2) Using 90% of weight above perform 3×3 – power clean



Run 800m then


Box jump

Pull Up

Run 800m

RX – 24/20″

LV2 – 20/16″

LV1 – 16/12″