Nov 2013


Of all the content out there on health topics, this may be one the most “catch all” sources of info. In particularly because it sends you to think about the source of the problems you may face when dealing with an ailment, weight problem or anything in between.

And that my friends, if you have not already guessed from the white letters over the pretty picture, is HORMONES!

Here is an intro by the chick of Wellnessmama.com …Click the link at the end and read on. It is worth the time.

It seems that the more we know, the more we don’t know. New research is constantly emerging on a variety of health topics but there is a common underlying theme.

What factor contributes to weight gain during pregnancy? Hormone balance.

What causes weight fluctuations, bloating and other health symptoms throughout the course of a month? Hormones.

What causes men to naturally put on muscle more easily or lose weight more quickly? Hormones.

What is a huge contributing factor of growth in children? Hormones.

What controls ovulation, reproduction, pregnancy, etc? Hormones

Yes, when it comes to losing weight or improving health, what do we focus on? Calories… or micronutrients… or diets. 

Its All about the Hormones! Continue Reading

November 4, 2013 WOD


In 15 minutes, establish a 3RM deadlift




7 rounds for time of:

3 deadlift @ 90% of weight established from above

10 push ups

30 double unders