Surfing the net for CrossFit related articles, I ran into CrossFit Zones website and a great article they posted about ‘Women and CrossFit Myth’s.  This article also speaks wisely about appearances as a side effect of performance.  This is a great read well worth the time spent.  The article is courtesy of Check This Out! September 27, 2012 WOD Skill Turkish get up Strength High bar back squat 7×3

CrossFit impacts people in many different ways.  As we are all inherently different, CrossFits ability to impact such a broad range of people in so many ways says enough on its own.  Check out this quick three minute video that, as CrossFitters, we can all relate to.  If your not involved in CrossFit just yet or have just got your foot in the door, this will give you a great

For those of you who completed the weekly challenge, we will be drawing a name from a hat today to see who are first weekly prize winner will be.  No we don’t have a brand new Audi for you, just a little something to show our recognition of your hard efforts thus far in the challenge.  Remember, each day is a new day, so don’t get discouraged if you didn’t

For those of you interested or are just hearing about this for the first time, don’t miss out on a unique opportunity to directly improve your strength and power through the use of ‘not so common’ techniques known to force you to the next level.  This specialty class is for female and male alike, novice or complete beginner.  If you jumped right into CrossFit, then this should be no different.


Sep 2012

GMO…My God!

Genetically modified foods have taken over the market place.  It is known that almost anything that we eat, that is not ORGANIC, has already been genetically modified or has ingredients that have been genetically modified.  We are the worlds leading manufacturer of GMO and Monsanto is leading the charge.  There is a global uprising in the making to stop these massive agricultural giants from altering our main food supply all

As a country, we have witnessed an epidemic of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in the last 20 years.  Most people are unaware that the majority of cases involving all three of these diseases stems from the out of control levels of sugar we are putting in our bodies.  Now when I say sugar, let me be clear by stating that anything labeled a ‘carbohydrate’ is considered a sugar (

It is a common understanding among the general population that fluoride is GOOD for us.  After all it is dumped into the public drinking water supply, and added to your toothpaste all in the name of BETTER HEALTH.  Well thankfully to the Health Ranger, Mike Adams of, he has made this short animated video to give us a better understanding of what fluoride really is, where it comes from,

Here are three great short videos (under 1 minute each) that describe CrossFit in a nutshell.  Watch these for a better understanding of what we do and why we do it.  These videos are courtesy of Constantly Varied Functional movements Intensity September 19, 2012 WOD strength 5×5 pendlay row (heaviest possible) conditioning “The Chief” 5 rounds of: 3 minute AMRAP of: 3 power clean 6 push ups 9 air

Here is a great breakfast recipe that is Paleo friendly as well as Whole Life Challenge friendly.  For those of you in the challenge, and who are already asking yourself how your going to make it through the next 8 weeks ( remember your doing this in an attempt to see what will work for the rest of your life so think long term) send us all your great recipes


Sep 2012


September 17, 2012 WOD Strength 7×3 Box squat (to parellel @ 50-60% of 1rm) Conditioning Complete 5 rounds for time of: 5 dead lift 5 hand stand push ups Rx – b/w Lv2 – 3/4 b/w, wall walks Lv1 – 1/2 b/w, v-push ups


Sep 2012

It’s Go Time!

The Whole Life Challenge is now HERE!   I hope everyone has dumped out all of their  “Off Limits”  foods and stocked their  shelves with all natural goodness.  Remember, you have until 3pm daily to input your daily data into the system and receive your days points.  This is suppose to be more of a game, not just rules for you to follow so try to have fun and understand


Sep 2012

Always Prepared

Here is an epic photo of one of our members down in New Mexico on a hunting trip.  Rich attributes part of his success hunting down this 600 pound beast of an Elk to CrossFit.  It has helped him prepare for the all of the rigors that a demanding hunt requires.  Great job Rich! Carve off a big piece of that paleo goodness for me!   September 14, 2012 WOD

It’s official, we are going to be offering a specialty strength course starting                    OCTOBER 11, 2012.  This course will be 6 weeks long and take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm so mark your calendars!  There are no pre-requisites for this course.  Anyone looking to achieve greater numbers in strength across the board using non traditional means this class

Here is a great article on ‘Mental Toughness” and how it is improved through CrossFit training.  If you don’ t have time to read it now, print it out and take it all in when you do. This article is courtesy of Building Mental Toughness September 12, 2012 WOD Skill kipping pull up Strength 5×5 close grip bench press (tempo 3211) Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 7 pistols/side


Sep 2012

Never Forgotten

Today during your WOD, make sure to honor the 343 firefighters who lost their lives braving one of  the most horrific events in our recent history, doing what they so bravely do for a living – putting their asses on the line for the rest of us!  GOD BLESS each and every one of them. For everyone in the Whole Life Challenge, this coming Saturday at 11:00am we will be


Sep 2012

Keep it Supple

After just watching over 2+ hours of video on mobilizing to get more out of our selves, it became very apparent to me that we all need to do it…and a lot more  of it.  I came up with a saying the other day (i’m pretty sure I didn’t coin it) giving a cue to an overly tight individual trying to PR on a lift.  I told him ” You

Each week of the WLCWW will introduce a new “Weekly Challenge” for all participants.  The idea of these challenges is to draw in other types healthy and productive daily practices that enhance health and well-being… and to add some week-by-week variety and fun to the game.  To make them a relevant part of the Challenge, each successfully completed Weekly Challenge is worth 2 bonus points toward your overall lifestyle score. 

The Whole Life Challenge starts a week from Saturday… are you ready? One of the things that will earn you a point each day of the Challenge is mobilizing (a fancy way of saying “streching”) for 10 minutes.  I want to emphasize here that CONSISTENCY is the name of the game.  You, I’m sure, have heard of the K.I.S.S. Principle – “Keep It Simple, Stupid”.  Well it definitely applies here.

If you have ever wondered why we swing a kettle bell overhead in CrossFit, Greg Glassman wrote a great article in the CrossFit Journal years back explaining his reasoning for the inclusion of this staple movement into the CrossFit programming.  Its always good to know why your doing what your doing, isn’t it? If so, then read on HERE! This video is courtesy of  In my opinion, she has a

In the past 5 months I have had the opportunity to work with many different people from all walks of life.  Short people, tall people.  Skinny people, over weight people.  Supple ones, and those as stiff as a board.  Those who sit all day and those who remain on their  feet.  I could go on and on about the vast amount of differences we all have as individuals, but there


Sep 2012


We are going to start this week off with giving some attention to one of CrossFits more demanding exercises – the front squat.  The front squat is an essential movement to life which is why it is a staple here at CrossFit Magnitude.  This is a great exercise for a number of reasons. 1) It challenges the spine/pelvic relationship that must be maintained in order to safely and effectively accomplish


Aug 2012

Essentially Fat

Heres another great article for you talking this time about EFA’s or essential fatty acids.  They are essential because our body cannot  make them, yet we cant live without them.  Your best place to find it is in foods high in omega’s 3 & 6.  To find out more on the many benefits of EFA’s and to become aware of the dangers associated with trans fatty acids click  HERE! September 1, 2012

Why I need the Whole Life Challenge more than I think: Because I haven’t set a PR on anything in a while. Because I am asking myself “what’s a PR?” Because Mocha Frappuccino’s have made their way back into my daily routine. Because I can “pinch an inch” (or much more) on my waistline. Because I’ve been half-assing it. Because I’ve been watching someone else give it 110%, and I’ve

The start of the WLCWW is just a little more than 2 weeks away.  We know how daunting preparing for something like this can be, since it touches and effects so many different parts of your life.  To help you in this process, we’ve created a preparation checklist that will help you cover all the areas you need to cover before September 15th. The list is in no particular order.


Aug 2012

Chia Seeds

Shooting the breeze after class, an incredible food source that I’ve heard about in the past but never quite looked into, was brought to my attention.  Like any curious fellow, I went home and did some online research (googling) to learn up on this magnificent natural wonder.  It is called the Chia Seed.  Many of you have heard or tried this out before.  For all of you who have never