The Whole Life Challenge starts a week from Saturday… are you ready?

One of the things that will earn you a point each day of the Challenge is mobilizing (a fancy way of saying “streching”) for 10 minutes.  I want to emphasize here that CONSISTENCY is the name of the game.  You, I’m sure, have heard of the K.I.S.S. Principle – “Keep It Simple, Stupid”.  Well it definitely applies here.  Don’t over-think or over-do it!  10-minutes might not seem like much on your first day, but if you do it every day for 56 days, that is 560 minutes – or about 9 1/2 hours.  That is a whole lot of stretching that you probably wouldn’t have done otherwise!  So keep it short, keep it simple, remember K.I.S.S. and develop your daily habit muscle around mobilizing.

We put together a short video (below) we call “The Lazy Man’s Guide” to help you generate some ideas for yourself in this area.  Enjoy!

A reminder for those of you looking to compete, even if this will be a first time experience, tomorrow at noon sign ups begin for the garage games at CrossFit Southie.  There are only 250 spots available so be prepared for this to sell out fast.  You can access the sign up through this link HERE!

September 7, 2012 WOD


7×1 – 1 hang muscle snatch + 5 overhead squat (heaviest possible)


For time, complete the following:

Row 500m

25 lateral box jumps

100 double unders/300 single unders

50 wall ball

Ride 2 miles (gear 18 or higher)

25 box jump

Run 800m

Rx – 24/20″, 20/14#

Lv2 – 20/16″, 14/10#

Lv1 – 16/12″, 12/8#