If you have ever wondered why we swing a kettle bell overhead in CrossFit, Greg Glassman wrote a great article in the CrossFit Journal years back explaining his reasoning for the inclusion of this staple movement into the CrossFit programming.  Its always good to know why your doing what your doing, isn’t it? If so, then read on HERE!

This video is courtesy of CrossFit.com.  In my opinion, she has a solid swing.  I do teach bent arms with a press to the top position as weight gets heavier.  This is to ease pressure in the thoracic and lumbar spine as well as protect the shoulder from over flexion.

September 6, 2012 WOD


5×5 Bent over row (heaviest possible)


3 rounds for time of:

20 pull ups

30 ab mat sit ups w/med ball (heels touching)

40 kb swings (overhead)

Rx – 20/14#, 52/36#

Lv2 – 14/12#, 44/25#

Lv1 – 12/10#, 36/20#