Sep 2012

Keep it Supple

After just watching over 2+ hours of video on mobilizing to get more out of our selves, it became very apparent to me that we all need to do it…and a lot more  of it.  I came up with a saying the other day (i’m pretty sure I didn’t coin it) giving a cue to an overly tight individual trying to PR on a lift.  I told him ” You are only as strong as you are flexible”!  He failed the lift as a result of not having the proper range of motion to start or finish the lift.  He was certainly strong enough, but that didn’t matter.  This holds true for a lot of us, even in day to day situations.  We need to pick something up, and as a result on not taking our joints through full ranges of motion – sometimes for weeks at a time – we resort to a gross manipulation of the joint structure to compensate for our lack of good positioning.   We put ourselves in poor positions daily and do not even realize it.  This is a big culprit of a lot of our nagging injuries – loading systems under uneven, unbalanced, and unstable conditions. If you want to get the most out of CrossFit, and therefore out of life, don’t forget to put in your mobilizing  minutes daily!

September 10, 2012 WOD


3-3-3-3-3 Dead lift (Increase weight through out all sets)


Complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of:

Power snatch

Pull ups

then, with no rest:

Run 400m

Note: Time stops after run.

Rx – 115/85

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 75/45