Here is a great breakfast recipe that is Paleo friendly as well as Whole Life Challenge friendly.  For those of you in the challenge, and who are already asking yourself how your going to make it through the next 8 weeks ( remember your doing this in an attempt to see what will work for the rest of your life so think long term) send us all your great recipes to so I can post them for every one to see and hopefully use in an effort to start cleaning things up.  Remember, you should be eating healthy regardless if your in the contest or not, as good nutrition drives everything that we do!

No Oat Oatmeal Recipe

The Whole Life Challenge link to record your daily score has been fixed.  It will appear at midnight tonight and disappear either after you log your points of after 3pm tomorrow, which ever comes first.


September 18, 2012 WOD

BB acrobatics

7×3 Hang snatch (heaviest possible)


“Bear Complex” DEMO

1 power clean

1 front squat

1 push press

1 back squat

1 push press

Notes: complete 5 rounds of 7 cycles.  There is no time component.  The bar can never stop on the ground, all 7 reps must be touch  and go.  Rest anywhere with the bar except on the ground.  You are trying to add weight each round hitting your max weight on last   set of 7.