As a country, we have witnessed an epidemic of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in the last 20 years.  Most people are unaware that the majority of cases involving all three of these diseases stems from the out of control levels of sugar we are putting in our bodies.  Now when I say sugar, let me be clear by stating that anything labeled a ‘carbohydrate’ is considered a sugar ( a food source known to elevate blood sugar levels).  Anything consumed in excess has the potential to cause severe harm to us, however, there are certain types of sugar far worse than others.  Fructose, especially the manufactured High Fructose Corn Syrup in particular is one of the biggest culprits. Here is a short 3 minute animated video that gives a brief explanation of why sugar, especially HFCS  is and will always be dangerous to consume.

Sugar is Killing Us!

September 21, 2012 WOD

BB acrobatics

In 20 minutes, establish a 1rm Clean & jerk


For time, complete the following:

Run 800m


3 rounds for time of:

10 overhead squat

20 abmat sit ups (heels together)

30 air squats


Run 800m

Rx – 95/75

Lv2 – 75/55

Lv1 – 55/35