Sep 2012

GMO…My God!

Genetically modified foods have taken over the market place.  It is known that almost anything that we eat, that is not ORGANIC, has already been genetically modified or has ingredients that have been genetically modified.  We are the worlds leading manufacturer of GMO and Monsanto is leading the charge.  There is a global uprising in the making to stop these massive agricultural giants from altering our main food supply all in the name of huge profits.  As Mike Adams reports, “GMOs are an anti-human technology. They threaten the continuation of life on our planet. They are a far worse threat than terrorism, or even the threat of nuclear war.”

“When rats eat GM corn, they develop horrifying tumors. Seventy percent of females die prematurely, and virtually all of them suffer severe organ damage from consuming GMO. These are the scientific conclusions of the first truly “long-term” study ever conducted on GMO consumption in animals, and the findings are absolutely horrifying. (See pictures of rats with tumors, below.) (Text From Natural News.com)

Read this article to find out more about GMO and help better protect yourself and loved ones.  Remember, if it isn’t organic, it is probably modified in one way or another or soon will be.

GMO – Natural News.com

September 22, 2012 WOD


Dead lift 7×3  (heaviest possible)


In 12 minutes, climb the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21, etc..as high as you can performing:

Kb swing

Pull ups

Rx – 70/52

Lv2 – 52/36

Lv1 – 36/25