Why I need the Whole Life Challenge more than I think:

Because I haven’t set a PR on anything in a while.

Because I am asking myself “what’s a PR?”

Because Mocha Frappuccino’s have made their way back into my daily routine.

Because I can “pinch an inch” (or much more) on my waistline.

Because I’ve been half-assing it.

Because I’ve been watching someone else give it 110%, and I’ve seen their results.

Because it’s almost time for skinny jeans again.

Because I want those 5 damn dead hang pull ups.

Because the kids are back in school.

Because summer flew by along with my dreams for a summer body.

Because it’s football season.

Because those summer BBQs & beers have caught up with me.

Because I can afford $45.

Because I am not afraid of a little competition.

Because I’ve come this far.

Because I know I can be a better version of myself.

Because CrossFitters thrive with encouragement, goal-setting, and structure.

August 31, 2012 WOD


Overhead squat – In 10 minutes, establish your 1rm then,

In 10 minutes, establish your 3rm UB Pull up (strict)

Note: For those who have 3 dead hang pull ups, add weight until you establish a 3rm unbroken set. For    those still working with bands, use a band that only allows up to 3 pull ups, no more.  Your goal is to   go into uncharted territory by using a smaller band than usual.


5 rounds for time of:

400m Run

15 Overhead squats

Rx – 95/75

Lv2 – 75/55

Lv1 – 55/35