It is a common understanding among the general population that fluoride is GOOD for us.  After all it is dumped into the public drinking water supply, and added to your toothpaste all in the name of BETTER HEALTH.  Well thankfully to the Health Ranger, Mike Adams of, he has made this short animated video to give us a better understanding of what fluoride really is, where it comes from, and how it is affecting our health.  If you care about your health and the health of your loved ones, please watch this video! This video may take a second to upload – be patient – your health is hopefully  worth the extra few seconds  you may have to wait.

The Fluoride Deception

September 20, 2012 WOD


Rope climb


5×5 BB press – strict (heaviest possible)


Eight rounds for max reps of:
Box jump, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Rx – 24/20″, 115/75
Lv2 – 20/16″, 95/55
Lv1 – 16/12″, 75/35