For those of you interested or are just hearing about this for the first time, don’t miss out on a unique opportunity to directly improve your strength and power through the use of ‘not so common’ techniques known to force you to the next level.  This specialty class is for female and male alike, novice or complete beginner.  If you jumped right into CrossFit, then this should be no different.  Shawn Diprete, known for his huge vertical leap, massive box squat, and Elite level rankings in BMX racing wants to show YOU how to ‘Raise Your Game’ with this first of many specialty courses to come.  Send an email to to sign up today!  Remember, this course will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30pm.  Don’t miss out!!!

September 24, 2012 WOD


Snatch balance 7×2


4 rounds for time of:

every 3 minutes:

ride 1 mile

push press

Notes: every round ride 1 mile, then with time remaining perform as many push press as you can.
90 sec rest between each round. Score is total number of push press.

Rx – gear 20/18, 95/75#

Lv2 – gear 19/17, 75/55#

Lv1 – gear 18/16, 55/35#