CrossFit impacts people in many different ways.  As we are all inherently different, CrossFits ability to impact such a broad range of people in so many ways says enough on its own.  Check out this quick three minute video that, as CrossFitters, we can all relate to.  If your not involved in CrossFit just yet or have just got your foot in the door, this will give you a great idea of what to expect down the road ahead. This great video is courtesy of


September 26, 2012 WOD


Good morning 5×5 (heaviest possible)


for time:

50 double unders/150 single unders

20 toes to bar

40 double unders/120 single unders

15 toes to bar

30 double unders/90 single unders

10 toes to bar

20 double unders/60 single unders

5 toes to bar