Aug 2012

Chia Seeds

Shooting the breeze after class, an incredible food source that I’ve heard about in the past but never quite looked into, was brought to my attention.  Like any curious fellow, I went home and did some online research (googling) to learn up on this magnificent natural wonder.  It is called the Chia Seed.  Many of you have heard or tried this out before.  For all of you who have never heard of these before, take a look at this write up on Chia seeds by RawReform.com and see what these little seeds of goodness can do for you.  From my understanding, these little guys pack a powerful nutritive punch and can be used in numerous ways.  Read on to learn more about the Chia seed HERE!

August 29, 2012 WOD


10×1 Hang snatch (heavy, but fast – No PR attempts)


Tabata squats

Rest 60 seconds

Tabata push ups

Rest 60 seconds

Tabata pull ups

Rest 60 seconds

Tabata sit ups