A BIG Happy 60th to Brad W and Mike D!!!  They both are true CrossFit success stories!  I don’t have to tell you what just 6 months of CrossFit will do to you, just ask them.   CrossFit  will reinforce your life regardless of your age.  It’s weird, for me the more I do it, the better I feel and the easier life becomes.  We all really have just two choices,


Oct 2012


Happy Friday… October 26, 2012 WOD Plyometrics Find your 1rm box jump Conditioning Team Wod Complete the following as a team, switching of with your teammate every 10 reps. Ride 5 miles (switch off every half mile) 100 hand release push ups Run 2,000 meters (switch off every 200m) 100 kb swings 200 double unders/600 single unders (switch off every 10 DU or every 30 SU) 100 box jumps Rx


Oct 2012

Time to cash in!

If your part of the Whole Life Challenge right now, your probably either settled in nicely riding on cruise control or your ready to lose control.  If it’s the latter, it would be very wise to start chipping away at some of those bonus points you’ve earned so hard.  You can’t take them with you when its over, and they DO NOT count towards your point total at the end.

Anyone can hop on a rowing erg and start pulling towards greater fitness, but to really get the most out of it (being efficient) you must have some of the key fundamentals figured out.  I pulled this video from the CrossFit vault courtesy of Crossfit.community.com.  Check it out for a better understanding of proper rowing technique so you can start making noticeable improvements on all your rowing efforts. Rowing Video October 24, 2012


Oct 2012

Roll it out!

I am sure most of you have experimented with foam rollers at one point or another, but do you have a full understanding of why your rolling out, how to do it, and how often?  Foam rolling is a form of SMR or Self Myo-fascial Release.  In other words, it is the process of breaking up scar tissue, knots, and a host of other junk built up within the layers

CrossFit is awesome!  Can anyone argue that point?  I mean, it doesn’t matter who you are, what prior or current shape your in, how old or how young you are.   It can help us all, and in a multitude of ways.  Speaking of the young, we feel it would not be fair if we just offer CrossFit to all us older folk.  And instead of having a 2 month

Come try out Inov 8’s latest footwear during class this Saturday morning!  If your sneakers resemble walking on marshmallows then this experience may be the opportunity to take your commitment to the next level.  See for yourself what proper foot wear will do for you.  I guarantee you will see the difference! October 20, 2012 WOD Strength Work up to a 3rm Power clean.  Then perform 1 rep every 30 seconds for

Based on our current health care system and the philosophy of western medicine, it is really hard to believe we will ever find a cure for cancer.  After all, with all the rhetoric out there claiming that science is on a mission to find a cure, it would be almost hard to believe they would even want to considering this would cost the health care industry billions in lost revenue

You may wonder why CrossFit loves the rowing ergs.  It is really quite simple.  They are unparalleled to any other form of metabolic conditioning and also provide so much more. Read this great article provided by the CrossFit Journal and contributing writer Greg Hammond to find out why. Why Indoor Rowing Chuck getting his first Muscle Up! Nice work Bro!   October 18, 2012 WOD Strength Pendlay row 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning “Harkey”

I was in the process of coming up with some literature to pass on to people asking more about CrossFit Magnitude and during this process I asked myself what are  the  “Top ten reasons to join a CrossFit Box” and this is what I came up with. Top 10 reasons to join a CrossFit Box You will be more physically CAPABLE than all your friends. CrossFit emphasizes Intensity, and Intensity

We are officially starting a CrossFit Kids class October 22.  The age to attend this class will be from 8-11.  If you would like more info regarding this unique opportunity to get one of your young ones involved, please contact Caitlin at caitlin@crossfitmagnitude.com. For a better look at what CrossFit Kids is all about, check out their official website @ CrossFitkids.com and click on the link below for a quick

The cold and flu season will be upon us soon and  is something we have to deal with year after year.  I’ve come to the conclusion that living a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing you can to to avoid getting sick.  Here is a great article courtesy of Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com filled with 20 ways to heighten your immunity so you can thrive during the cold and

A few things, don’t forget next SATURDAY, October 20, Bayside Runner will be hosting another Shoe demo with there latest Inov 8 footwear. You will be allowed to try the sneakers out during your WOD with NO obligation to purchase anything.  If you haven’t tried these out yet, you don’t want to miss out!  Poor or improper footwear is, in my opinion, a great contributor to poor movement mechanics which means

For all of you who are still wondering where the Girls WOD names came from, here ya go! Priceless October 12, 2012 WOD Strength Pull ups 5×3 (strict) weighted – any grip Notes: If you do not have a strict pull up yet perform 5x5 negatives (step off box with chin over bar, then take 5 seconds to reach lock out, then repeat) Conditioning Perform 3 max effort unbroken sets


Oct 2012

Kill Your Goats!

I just want to speak to a pet peeve of mine – Cherry Picking your WOD’s.  Don’t Do It!  If you  are one to wait up at night for the WOD to post and make your decision to come the next day based off of that, you are doing yourself a great disservice.  Obviously you are hiding from something, that something being something you suck at, your GOAT, or an

If you didn’t think CrossFit was complex enough, here is something else you need to consider every time you load the bar for a lift. Make sure to read the rules along with the reasoning behind them.  Click on the picture for a larger image.  Caitlin Chisholm is our winner of this weeks Bonus drawing for the Whole Life Challenge.  Make sure to log into the WLC website for info

Its that time of week again to pick a lucky winner out of the hat for participation in last weeks bonus challenge as part of the Whole Life Challenge! Here is a great video of the Dead lift set up.  Pay attention to detail and you will be guaranteed more positive results from every pull.   October 9, 2012 WOD Skill Kipping pull up Strength Establish a 1rm Dead lift


Oct 2012

October 8, 2012

This is hilarious…. October 8, 2012 WOD Strength Split jerk 5×2 (heaviest possible) – Notes: each set, split with left and right foot. Conditioning: Team WOD In 12 minutes, as a team, complete as many reps as possible of: Power clean *Athlete A performs power cleans until Athlete B completes 10 hand release push ups. When Athlete B finishes the 10 push ups, they switch adding cumulatively to the power clean

Due to popular demand, CrossFit Magnitude will be open on Sundays for open gym starting next weekend from 9-12.  Feel free to come on in and get your WOD on!!! October 5, 2012 WOD Speed- Strength Close grip bench press 7×3 (Dynamic effort) – Use 50-70% of your 1rm  (tempo 2211) Rest 45 seconds between sets Notes: Lower the bar in 2 seconds, hold 2 seconds on the bottom, explode


Oct 2012


I dug this up from the CrossFit archives. a few observations  from the Founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman: “CrossFit is in large part derived from several simple observations garnered through hanging out with athletes for thirty years and willingness, if not eagerness, to experiment coupled with a total disregard for conventional wisdom. Let me share some of the more formative of these observations:   Gymnasts learn new sports faster than other

I often get asked, “what muscles should I stretch after I workout”?  My most common response to this is “We don’t stretch muscles, we mobilize movement patterns”.  There are far to many muscles in the body to possibly tend to after a work out, nor would we want to even if we had 10 hours.  Ask yourself – What movement pattern during todays WOD slowed me down, held me back,

Just a heads up, we will be holding MORNING ONLY classes next Monday on Columbus Day.  There will be two classes, a 7:30 spin and a 9:00 CrossFit class. Don’t forget, if you are interested in our Specialty strength/power class, be sure to send an email to info@crossfitmagnitude.com to reserve a spot. Hats off to everyone who finally got their first kipping pull up yesterday, even if you needed a

Just a heads up – we will be hosting Bayside Runners and Inov 8 shoes for another demo of their great CrossFit footwear.  We are thinking Saturday, October 20 during both morning WOD”S.  If you haven’t had a chance to try these on yet your in for a surprise.  More details to follow. October 1, 2012 WOD Skill Kipping pullup Strength Snatch grip push press 5×3 (heaviest possible) Conditioning 4


Sep 2012

Stay Hydrated

Reading a recent blog post in the CrossFit.com  forums, I was reminded of the fact that we need to stay hydrated all the time, but even more so as clean eaters.  Whether you eat strict paleo or some off shoot there of, it is common to suffer from dehydration from a lack of carbs and sodium.  Every time we eat a gram of carb our body stores  3 grams of

From the entire CrossFit Magnitude Community, we would like to wish Jodi Engasser and Mike Delaney the best of luck in their efforts in the up coming Duxbury Beach Triathalon this September 29th!  This event will feature a .5 mile ocean swim, a 13 mile bike ride, and a 3.1 mile run.  Their commitment to CrossFit training will  surely  pay huge dividends on race day.  Good luck guys! New Kids