Sep 2012

Always Prepared

Here is an epic photo of one of our members down in New Mexico on a hunting trip.  Rich attributes part of his success hunting down this 600 pound beast of an Elk to CrossFit.  It has helped him prepare for the all of the rigors that a demanding hunt requires.  Great job Rich! Carve off a big piece of that paleo goodness for me!

Got Meat?


September 14, 2012 WOD

BB acrobatics/Skill

7×2 Clean & Jerk (heaviest possible)

Rest 60 seconds


3x ME UB ring dips

Rest 60 seconds


Every minute for 10 minutes complete:

3 power snatch

2 overhead squat

Rx – 95/75

Lv2 – 75/55

Lv1 – 55/35