Jun 2019
Overview: Contestants will begin their challenge with a “pre-challenge” lecture on June 15th, covering all things nutrition & lifestyle practices that will lend hand towards a leaner, more solid and favorable body composition (lose fat, gain muscle). After the lecture, contestants will complete their pre-challenge body comp scan. It is now when the challenge really begins. Objective: To create the greatest positive change in body composition. This can be
Mar 2014
Some comedic relief….but seriously, don’t be that girl/guy. March 21, 2014 WOD Strength Power Clean 4×5 touch and go (heaviest possible) Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 15 deadlift (bodyweight) 400m run
Mar 2014
Alright guys, fresh off the press, 14.3 is here. Deadlifts and box jumps. Easy enough right…. …well don’t get to comfortable, these two movements separate are not that bad, but when put together (as fast as you can), you got a recipe for a challenge. To get you prepped up for the challenge check out the content below. Firstly, watch the standards and pay attention how the athlete is moving.
Mar 2014
Our first two cycles of the Wendler protocol are in the books and to know surprise, the numbers were huge. To be honest, bigger than anticipated! The community as a whole increased their strength by over 5,000 pounds in the squat, dead lift, and overhead press. Anyone can tell you, getting strong is no easy task. It takes dedication, determination, and consistency for starters. You also need a positive
Mar 2014
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3qngoelEc0 On how to be healthy, strong, fit, happy and productive with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice as possible, Mark Sisson of Marksdailyapple.com sits down here with Again Faster to talk about his views on the topics. Mark has become a prominent thought leader in world of health and his view on lifestyle revolves around the basics- happiness, activity, and self-dominance. check out his blog or tune into
Mar 2014
What is your first name and last initial? Kim V What is your age? 29 How long have you been CrossFitting for? almost a year What is your favorite WOD or movement? HSPU What is your least favorite WOD or movement? snatch Take us back to your first WOD…What was it, and how did it feel? one of my first was a deadlift wod, I used a light weight compared
Feb 2014
Last night Open Workout 14.1 was announced live from CrossFit North Atlanta at 5 p.m. PT. For all you Games Open vets out there, this will be a repeat of the very first Open WOD…11.1. Watch below as Garret Fischer takes on Marcus Hendren in this classic CrossFit couplet! I want to congratulate everyone who decided to step in the ring and show the world how their fitness stacks up
Feb 2014
Today marks the start of the second cycle of the Wendler protocol. The goal for the next four weeks is to add up to 5 pounds to our upper body movement (press) and up to 10 pounds to our lower body lifts (dead lift and squat) and make it through another cycle. These small increments are in part what allows us to continually get strong over a long period
Jan 2014
If you didn’t have a chance to make it to the ECC this weekend, it was a pretty awesome event. It is pretty amazing to see what some of the best athletes are capable of, and is also a learning experience to watch them tear it up. The comp was divided between an individual division and a team division. below are the results for the singles…as well as a sweet
Jan 2014
Alright guys, big even going on this weekend, The CrossFit Open is coming up soon and the big players are competing this weekend to see where everyone stands. If you have never been to a competition, this is a great way to kick it off. It is a fun and upbeat environment, with beer, and free stuff in tents, and handstand competitions. Also, watching the athletes perform is a pretty
Jan 2014
Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 powerlifting system is rapidly growing into one of the most popular powerlifting and strength building training routines on the planet. Several years ago, most powerlifters ran the Westside Barbell system. Westside was the gospel, and there was no other. But today, things have changed. A good portion of powerlifters are running Wendler’s 5/3/1, or a Westside/Wendler’s combination. Westside is still king, but Wendler’s 5/3/1 has proven itself very worthy
Jan 2014
As another year sets sail into the horizon, the question to ask yourself is….What direction am I sailing in? Did you meet and exceed all your goals in 2013? Do you love the way you look, feel, and perform? Are you better at all the skills and drills you’ve been exposed to since the start of your fitness journey? Well it is to late to dwell on what could
Dec 2013
It’s a big FAREWELL to one of our original Coaches – Caitlin C. From opening day Caitlin has been a key member of our team here at CrossFit Magnitude. She was like a Mother to our early birds at the 5:15am class, heading up the pre-dawn warriors from day one. Caitlin helped us get our CrossFit kids program going which is starting to becoming excitingly popular. She also kept everyone
Dec 2013
The PR Gong has already matured through its break in period in just 5 short days! During the Oly class Thursday night, three consecutive split jerk Pr’s were set to put these three ladies (Coach Kira, Tracey, & Christine) atop the CFM Leader board. Their ever improving mastery of movement was more than a joy to witness! This seems to be the common theme around here lately. Virtuosity of
Nov 2013
Hey all, Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! This is a shout out to Mark, Travis, Greg, Jon, and Caitlin. They will be competing in Barbells for Boobs tomorrow at CrossFit South Shore. We look forward to seeing them kill it! November 30, 2013 WOD Strength 1) Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 2) Accumulate as many bar/ring dips as possible in 5 minutes Skill Accumulate 90 seconds in a ring hold
The Importance Of Rest you don’t get stronger from exercise, you get weaker….try doing a max set of pushups, wait 60 seconds, and repeat. What happens? It becomes harder. Exercise makes you weaker. Recovery is what makes you stronger- sleep, nutrition, stress. We are built to adapt. November 11, 2013 WOD Strength Thruster- In 15 minutes establish a heavy 3 rep set Conditioning “With heavy hearts
Here is a late shout out to all those who ran the Rock and Brew 5K this weekend. Well done to everyone involved…those are some well deserved brewskies! Name: Time: Pace: Place: Caitlin 20:52 6:43 1/92 Mark. 20:54 6:43 1/51 Kristin.H. 21:14 6:50 2/146 Jon. 23:47 7:39 8/51 Mike H 23:47 7:39
Of all the content out there on health topics, this may be one the most “catch all” sources of info. In particularly because it sends you to think about the source of the problems you may face when dealing with an ailment, weight problem or anything in between. And that my friends, if you have not already guessed from the white letters over the pretty picture, is HORMONES! Here is
Oct 2013
Saturated fats, such as butter, meat fats, coconut oil and palm oil, tend to be solid at room temperature. According to conventional nutritional dogma, these traditional fats are to blame for most of our modern diseases—heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, malfunction of cell membranes, and even nervous disorders like multiple sclerosis. However, many scientific studies indicate that it is processed liquid vegetable oil, which is laden with free radicals formed
October 12, 2013 WOD Skill: KB Clean (Strict) KB Clean (Swing) Strength Sled push 6x15m heaviest possible Sled pull 6x15m heaviest possible Conditioning With a partner, complete the following for time; 400m sled push 400m sled pull Rx – Sled + 45 Lv2 – Sled + 25 Lv1 – Sled + 0
OMG! don’t they look like they are having fun! Well you could too…at the Boys & Girls Club that is. This Sunday is the 2nd annual Health and Fitness Expo at the Marshfield Boys and Girls Club. There will be a 25 mile bike ride and a 5 mile road race/walk….buuuuya!! Not in the mood to exercise? All good. There will be lots of activities for your youngins, as well as
Sep 2013
Hey all you Whole Life Challengers out there. How is it going. Are the cravings starting to go away? Are you feeling any better?….Easier to breath? (no more congestion) Are you finding it easier to fall asleep at night? These are all things you should be paying attention to. What you can measure you can change. Also how is the food coming? Are you starting to get in to a monotonous
Sep 2013
This is it ladies and gents! The time is finally upon us where we will take the necessary steps and make the necessary compromises as a way to restore order to ourselves and our fitness. The next 8 weeks will not be impossible, so stop thinking “how bad” things are going to get. Remember, it is not about being perfect. You are suppose to be making adjustments to your diet
Sep 2013
So who is doing the Whole Life Challenge?!? It is coming up (Sep. 7) Are you excited? Nervous? …Both? If you are not doing it? Why not? Are you scared? worried? Are you afraid that you will not keep up with it. Risk, Fear, Worry They’re not the same. Risk is all around us. When we encounter potential points of failure, we’re face to face with risk. And nothing courts
Sep 2013
“The Jumping Man and his Sidekick” What is Fitness to you? For many people around the world, fitness is something they do because they feel like they should, their doctors tell them to, or to keep off extra weight. They drag themselves to a room full of machines and glass walls, and in isolation, begin to mindlessly run in place and monotonously move weights in awkward motions. Well we like to