
Today marks the start of the second cycle of the Wendler protocol.   The goal for the next four weeks is to add up to 5 pounds to our upper body movement (press) and up to 10 pounds to our lower body lifts (dead lift and squat) and make it through another cycle.  These small increments are in part what allows us to continually get strong over a long period of time.  Eventually, there will come a point when you don’t!  No worries as we will retest for a  new max, take 90% of that and start all over.

One of our goals  here is to get you in the habit of journaling your progress, taking note of your strength gains, set backs, and everything in between, which will  enable you to better understand whether the approach you are taking is working or if things need to be changed.

Here are some things you may want to consider writing in your journal;

  • How you felt before/during/after the workout.
  • If something was hurting/bothering you (or even if you just had a great time)
  • Some individuals may also go into detail of their mood, their nutrition intake, and how many hours they slept last night.

Small notes like this, when reflected back onto over time, can provide a powerful insight to your progress and development as an athlete.

Stop GUESSING when it comes to your fitness.   Get a journal and start recording your achievements today!

February 10, 2014 WOD

Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5 or more reps
Notes: Add 5 pounds to the max you have worked off of over the last 4 weeks.  Remember, this is the 90% number you established.
In teams of two, complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 push press -115/75, 95/65, 65/35
10 box jump -24/20, 20/16, 16/12
10 kb swing- 70/53, 53/44, 44/36
Only one athlete may work at a time