IMG_3753_1“The Jumping Man and his Sidekick”

What is Fitness to you?

For many people around the world, fitness is something they do because they feel like they should, their doctors tell them to, or to keep off extra weight. They drag themselves to a room full of machines and glass walls, and in isolation, begin to mindlessly run in place and monotonously move weights in awkward motions.

Well we like to think that you are better. That you broke away from the pack and pursued something more fulfilling. You do come to “the box” to learn how to be stronger, better, and faster.

But could there be other reasons?

Perhaps it is to talk about your day at work to your evening classmates, or to teach the person next to you how to grip the bar better.  Maybe you have someone you like working out beside because you know they will give you that extra push.  We are social beings and we thrive on camaraderie.

Would you go to a bar on Saturday night with headphones on. No. your better than that. Maybe that is why you are here after all.

September 3, 2013 WOD


1a) Spend 12 minutes working up to a heavy power clean and jerk.

1b) With weight established from above, perform 1 rep every 45 seconds for 6 minutes.


Complete the following for time:

50 pull up

50 push up

50 kb swing

50 push press


Rx – 53/44, 95/65

Lv2 – 44/36, 75/45

Lv1 – 36/25, 55/35