

Our first two cycles of the Wendler protocol are in the books and to know surprise, the numbers were huge.  To be honest, bigger than anticipated!  The community as a whole increased their strength by over 5,000 pounds in the squat, dead lift, and overhead press.

Anyone can tell you, getting strong is no easy task.  It takes dedication, determination, and consistency for starters.  You also need  a positive mental attitude coupled with true grit.

So why would anyone even want to be strong?  I mean, what is all the hype about anyways?

Well…when your strong, everything in life becomes infinitely easier to accomplish.  Even the little things such as walking up a flight of stairs or putting your child in the car seat become less of an effort.    When your strong, you become more capable.  You can now offer help, when before you couldn’t.  When you are strong, your confidence improves  in every aspect of your life.   You challenge yourself, when before you wouldn’t take the risk.

The beauty of strength is that anyone can achieve it at any age.  Don’t believe me?  Just ask one of the many people in our community who just witnessed with there own eyes that it is indeed possible.

The chart above is a good tool to determine, based on your level of experience, where you rank in terms of strength associated with the lifts used in the CrossFit total.  These lifts are core lifts used to build raw strength and offer a great perspective into determining how strong you actually are.

Never let the desire to be something more than just normal ever go away.

Stay Strong…

March 12, 2014 WOD


Front squat 5-5-5-5-5

Note: Warm up to a heavy weight, then incrementally increase your weight across the 5 sets ending with a 5RM


In 9 minutes, ascend the ladder as high as possible doing:

3 S2O  (shoulder to overhead), 3 pull up, 6 S2O, 6 pull up, 9 S2O, 9 pull up…


Rx – 135/85
Lv2 – 105/65
Lv1 – 85/45