Alright guys, fresh off the press, 14.3 is here. Deadlifts and box jumps. Easy enough right….

…well don’t get to comfortable, these two movements separate are not that bad, but when put together (as fast as you can), you got a recipe for a challenge.

To get you prepped up for the challenge check out the content below.

Firstly, watch the standards and pay attention how the athlete is moving.

Then, check out Carl and Kelly chat about jumping and landing. This will make a huge difference in your efficiency and safety when working with these movements.

Finally and most importantly, don’t forget to have fun and make the best of it.

See you all tonight at 6:30 for 14.3!!!

March 14, 2014 WOD


1 Clean 1st pull (3 sec pause) + 2 clean pull – heaviest possible


In teams of two, complete 4 rounds of the following for time and reps:

Row 350m

Burpee box jumps

Notes: Athlete 1 rows  350m while Athlete 2 completes as many burpee box jumps as possible.  Athletes switch off every 350m.  Both athletes  will end up rowing 1400m in total. Score equals total burpee box jumps and total time.