Aug 2013
Everything you do in life is in one way or another fueled by something. Hopefully that something is healthy whole foods loaded with nutritive value. If you have never taken the necessary actions to rid your diet of everything potentially harming you, or at the least, not contributing to your health and fitness, then watch this video below and give the Whole Life Challenge a shot! Sometimes all it takes
Aug 2013
Guess what time of year it is again…? Yup, you guessed it! It’s time for the Whole Life Challenge. What better way to start the fall then to kick start yourself into high gear with 8 weeks of total dedication to your training, mobilizing, supplementation (fish oil), and eating healthier than ever. If you had a summer anything like my own, then you won’t think twice about making the decision
Aug 2013
Today marks the beginning of our next strength cycle. We will be doing the Smolov jr. squat cycle which will take place as part of our strength portion of the WOD on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next 4 weeks. Hopefully you had a chance to establish your 1 rep max last week with us as we want to use the most recent numbers possible. I am not going
Aug 2013
Kettle bells are a terrific tool to build strength and stability, never mind what it can do for your conditioning. Starting in October, we will be offering kettle bell specific classes to add yet another dimension to your overall training. Here is a guy who has been spending an awful lot of time with his kettle bell. Be sure to check out the entire video as he cranks up the hardness
Aug 2013
For those of you new to CrossFit or live vicariously through someone who does and have not read CrossFits debut article on “What is Fitness” then be sure to read on and dive into the head of Founder Greg Glassman to better understand his mindset on what fitness is and is not… Article courtesy of the CrossFit Journal and What is Fitness Vida decided today she was going to
Jul 2013
I broke out my wristbands from the late 80’s today during a WOD and was amazed at the outcome of never looking so cool before. My hands didn’t get soaked with arm sweat and the chalk on them didn’t turn into tribal face paint. My grip was dry and solid. Lesson learned…If you haven’t found a way to keep your sweat in check, try out a pair of old school
Jul 2013
Hats off to the winners of this years CrossFit Games – Rich Froning and Samantha Briggs, as they claim this years title of the ‘Worlds Fittest” man and woman. It was an epic test of fitness and through it all emerged only two on top. Their sustained all out efforts, mastery of movement, and ability to endure throughout the competition paved the way to success for both Rich and
Jul 2013
The quest has started to determine who this years “Fittest man and woman on Earth” is going to be. The challenges are unknown to athletes making it very difficult to train for as they have no idea what they will be competing in. To get Live coverage go to as well as ESPN 2 & 3 over the weekend. If you’ve never witnessed some of the best CrossFitters in
Jul 2013
CrossFitting, we put our entire body to the test each and every day. Some parts of the body tend to take the beating a little better than others. For a lot of people, the wrists are usually one of the areas. The wrists are not bound by big muscles and they perform a rather large role in supporting huge loads, namely overhead. One of the things you can do to
Jul 2013
Quoting from an article I read earlier today, “Scientists at the Universities of Nottingham, Birmingham, and Bath have found that just a few 30-second bouts of high intensity cardio increased metabolism, burned stored fat, and built muscle as well as 7 hours a week of low-intensity aerobic activity.” Researchers deduced that the degree of intensity is the key component. July 20, 2013 WOD Skill Kipping pull up Conditioning Tabata push
Jul 2013
Heres a great simple breakfast for those of you who are hard pressed for time first thing in the morning and don’t want to leave the house on an empty tank. As the recipe indicates, farm fresh eggs are always the safest choice. Enjoy 🙂 Breakfast Smoothie July 19, 2013 WOD BB Acrobatics 1) Spend 12 minutes working up to a 1 rep max – Hang snatch (squat) 2) Perform
Jul 2013
Whether you CrossFit, play sports, engage in outdoor adventures, are a parent of demanding children, or even a couch potato, you will suffer injuries at some point or another. We often like to blame the activity or movement as the cause of injury, but what we really need to do is take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves “Do I have a good understanding of the task
Jul 2013
We are planning on putting an order in for some woman’s tanks and mens tees in the next day or so. We will be taking pre-orders for anyone looking to save 15%. These are going to be good ones so don’t miss out! We are always looking for shirt ideas so if your are the least bit creative (unlike myself) and want to help us design the next batch let
Jul 2013
Great job and a big thanks to everyone who participated in the Hope for Cures WOD/Fundraiser this past Saturday. Everyone sweat their hearts out and had a good time doing it! All of your donations coupled with the rest of the CrossFit Community from this event has raised $440,075.00 so far this year. Truly amazing how one community can make such a difference. July 8, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift
Jul 2013
Today at CrossFit Magnitude along with CrossFitters globally, we will be WOD’n in an effort to help raise awareness, offer hope, and show how much of an impact a community can have when we all pull together. Here is a little short of Greg Glassman explaining CrossFit’s Hope For Cures. A lesson to be learned If you would like to make a donation you can do so in person
Jul 2013
Today is a day to celebrate our Independence and to be thankful for the sacrifices each and every individual has made to aid in our Independence, starting with the Committee of five, who drafted and presented to Congress the Declaration of Independence. Independence did not come free, and as a matter of FACT, it is slowly being eroded away each and every day that we become complacent, ill informed, and
Jul 2013
This upcoming Saturday, July 6, we will be WOD’n in support of CrossFit’s Hope for Cures initiative. Every cent raised will be used to fight catastrophic children’s illnesses. CrossFit, Inc. covers all administrative and clerical costs in this battle, which leverages your donation to maximal effect, and delivers aid at high intensity with no waste. We can behave like CrossFit athletes even in our generosity. If you don’t plan on
Jul 2013
So it is officially farewell to Coach Chuck!!! I am not sure anyone enjoyed his presence as much as I did. Chuck will be seriously missed! Happy trails bud… I would like to welcome Coach Rich and Coach Brandi to our coaching staff! If you have not had a class with either of the two, what are you waiting for?!?! It is all about perspective and they both have one
Jun 2013
Did anyone else catch Nik Wallenda become the first human being to tight rope walk the Grand Canyon. Nik courageously walked – untethered – over 1400 feet from end to end which amounts to over 4 football fields across! If Nik were to succumb to any of the stressors presented by the walk (overpowering wind gust, mental or physical fatigue, mechanical failure of the line, etc…) about 1,500 feet
Jun 2013
I’ve been hearing more and more from people who are practicing mindfulness meditative techniques and from the sounds of it, the benefits are quite amazing. After stumbling up THIS article on concerning the latest science behind meditation, I think there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from setting your mind free… Meditative Mindfulness June 17, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift – 1×5@70%, 3×3@80%, 3×1@90% Conditioning For time, complete sets
Jun 2013
Today we linked up with Reebok to bring you the very best CrossFit apparel at the lowest prices right here at CFM. We will be taking orders every two weeks for those of you interested in obtaining the latest CrossFit Reebok gear. Now is your chance to save big on those weightlifting shoes, Nanos, and all other apparel you’ve been waiting for. We are offering 20% off Reeboks entire line
As CrossFitters, we train hard and reap the many benefits it offers us. But that is only half of the equation. Eating good healthy organic foods to fuel our efforts and help us recover is the other half. With food prices going through the roof, especially the healthy good for us types, it is for some of us a hard pill to swallow every time we check out at the
Jun 2013
I witnessed more PR’s today than any other time in my life! It was truly amazing to see so many people reach a level that not even they could have imagined just a few months prior. As a coach, there is no better feeling than to watch someone achieve what was once something they considered to be impossible to do! I am still at a loss of words…WOW! Here are
May 2013
A couple reminders for the next few days… Its going to get exceptionally HOT for the rest of the week. Make sure to hydrate BEFORE you WOD and replace all lost fluids as soon as you finish. You cannot hydrate in the middle of a WOD, you must already be in a hydrated state before you get started. Not having enough fluid in you will only make what you are
May 2013
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims this past week affected by the severe weather in Oklahoma. We would like to help those in need by preparing and sending hygiene kits for both adults and children. If you would like to help this cause, please assemble the following items in a small ziplock bag and leave at the box for pickup on Saturday morning at 9:30am (Thank you Michele