Anyone in the market for a new pair of kicks, here is a review on the newest Reebok shoes.

also check out this review on the inov-8 via the 2011 CrossFit Games.

also, check out some chatter via Kelly Starrett on the importance of “zero differential” …whats up with that?

The Take away: what’s on your feet matters. Having a shoe that does not work well with your body could affect how you run, jump, and squat. More importantly it could slowly trickle into some unwanted pain or even an injury. You don’t have to buy the fancy reebok shoes just because everyone else has them. But it is worth taking a little time to research what shoe could work best for you.

Here are a couple more popular brands.

New Balance Minimus



March 11, 2014 WOD

Snatch Balance- work on speed under the bar and patience at the bottom (keep it light!!)


accumulate 60 seconds in ring L-Sit


5 rounds of:
in 3 minutes complete:
20 burpees 
10 knees to elbows
5 power snatch
RX 115/85
Lv2 95/65
Lv1 75/45