Some people come into CrossFit because they are bored with the gym, others come in because their friend told them about it. However some come in because they need to make a change. That can be scary. Scary because we don’t like change. That is human nature.

However some changes are harder to get over than others. For Shari Keener, she had a make the switch from a needle to a barbell. That is a big change.

“You’re going to be addicted to something in this world—be it food, alcohol, drugs, whatever it is, fill in your vice—and taking that energy and transferring it into something positive is like the only way you change that behavior,” Keener says

Sometimes habits can be hard to break. But that is why they are called habits. Next time you hit a wall or creep back into a bad spot (what ever that may be) ….take a step back and be present with your decision. Then remember that you are worth it. Make the better one.


March 20, 2014 WOD

Push Jerk 3-3-2-2-1
**Ascend in Weight through all sets**


For time complete the following
40 wallballs
10 overhead walking lunges
30 wallball
10 overhead walking lunges
20 wallball
10 overhead walking lunges
10 wallball
10 overhead walking lunges
RX 20/14  45/25
LV2 14/12 25/15
LV1 10/8  25/15